•⊱•••• 19 ••••⊰•

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After his father Seonghwa returned to the kitchen and Jongho dumped his stuff in his room, he went straight to his other dad Hongjoong's office where he knew he'd likely be working.

Even after spending a whole day in the studio at work, Hongjoong still worked right up until dinner time, unless he was cooking. Jongho was in a constant state of nagging his father into getting autographs from all the cool artists and groups he made music for at the company he worked at.

Jongho knocked on the door, but after no reply he opened it up anyway.

His dad had his heavy duty head phones on and was staring at the multitude of screens and his soundboard before him.

Jongho quietly snuck up on his dad but right as he was about to pounce Hongjoong spun around in his chair scaring the daylights out of him instead.

"Jesus christ dad!!" Jongho exclaimed as he put a hand over his beating heart.

Hongjoong giggled as he placed his headphones down and stood up, his palms up turning and his arms outstretching.

Jongho narrowed his eyes. Between both his fathers Hongjoong had always been the one to smother him with 100% fatherly love and although he loved his dad's hugs he knew just what they entailed.

"What? Not going to give your dad a hug?" Hongjoong pouted.

Jongho pouted straight back as he stepped into his fathers arms.

Hongjoong squeezed him and as expected placed a warm fatherly kiss on his cheek.

"OMG dad gross!!" Jongho wheezed as he wiped his cheek violently.

Hongjoong shrugged "I'm your father I can do whatever I want"

Jongho gave him a face and Hongjoong gave him a face that told him to deal with it.

"So how was your day?" Hongjoong asked "Anything new at school?"

"Nothing much, just the usual"

Hongjoong rolled his eyes at the clear lack of answer. "Your father and I don't pay your school fees just for you to do nothing! You spend 6 hours at that school, something interesting must have happened. Hows the whole valentines week coming? Anyone asked you out yet?" his dad waggled his eyebrows and Jongho cringed.

"I don't know" Jongho shrugged with his typical nonchalant teenage attitude "I had English in the morning, then art class, and then maths in the afternoon . .and no, no one's asked me out . .not that they would" Jongho muttered that last bit, he wished someone would, or rather a particular someone whose name starts with Y and ends in N.

Hongjoong smiled gently "I'm sure someone will ask you! Who could deny my handsome son a date!! You know I can actually think of a particular someone who might ask you out"

"Really who?" Jongho asked suddenly curious, had his father picked up on something from his friends that he hadn't? His dads had met all his friends when he had them round and when he picked him up from school.

"Someone pretty close to you" Hongjoong smiled an evil dad smile "You'll just have to wait and see! Well anyway go wash up and see if your father needs a hand in the kitchen I've got a song to finish" Hongjoong pushed Jongho back out the door and closed it behind him before he had the chance to ask again about who he thought would ask him out or ask for autographs.

Jongho sighed as he walked to his room, all his friends were all asking each other out and making plans for valentine's day, some going on dates to the mall, some planning group dates, others even planning anti valentine's day parties; a bit of a lonely hearts club sort of thing. Even his dads had planned to go out for dinner leaving Jongho at home, not that he wanted to go on his fathers date, but he still felt left out.

Jongho just wished that he could go on a date with Yeonjun, even just go out under the guise of a hang out. Jongho just wanted to do something with Yeonjun. But Jongho didn't have the guts to ask him to hang out let alone on a date, asking him to hang out on valentine's day just seemed too suss.

Jongho reached his bedroom and grabbed a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom to wash up.

About 20 minutes later Jongho was all clean and smelling fresh and he was now in the kitchen helping his dad Seonghwa prepare tonight's dinner: spaghetti.

"Dad?" Jongho called, not looking up from the vegetables he was cutting

"Yeah?" Seonghwa replied, turning his body to face his son.

"Would it be weird to ask someone out on valentine's day, but just to hang out, not a date or anything?"

"I don't see why asking someone to hang out would be seen as a bad thing. Why? Were you thinking of doing something? Your welcome to have a friend over if you want while your dad and I are out, or you can go to the mall if you want?"

"Hmm maybe" Jongho sighed as he pushed the capsicum and tomato he'd been chopping into the pot his dad was stirring.

Not before long and the spaghetti was all finished, Jongho and his dads sitting around the table to eat, once dinner was over Jongho watched some tv with his dads before excusing himself to his room.

Jongho worked on his poster about Yunho and Sanshine for a bit, occasionally rolling his chair back to stare at a particular draw in his desk.

Despite being nervous out of his mind to ask Yeonjun out on a date or anything, he had still gotten him a valentines card.

Jongho stretched his muscles before he pulled out his bottom draw in his desk, pulling the card out from underneath it where he had hidden it.

He'd pondered so many times just telling Yeonjun how he felt, ripping that band aid off and revealing his heart, but he was scared of losing Yeonjun. What if he rejects him, scorns him, what if he says that he doesn't want to be friends anymore? Jongho cared too much about him to lose him.

This card though that he had bought was his resolve as to what could be if he had the confidence, a card that might lead to more if everything went well and Yeonjun accepted his feelings.

Jongho ran his fingers over the red glittery heart's that adorned the card and he smiled at the cute little characterised apple couple on the front with their big eyes and smiling faces.

As he'd done the past couple of days since he bought the card he sat down at his desk pondering what to write in it. He'd started with 'Dear Yeonjun' and then gotten no further.

Dear Yeonjun, I like You

Dear Yeonjun, Happy Valentines Day

Dear Yeonjun, Here's a card so we don't feel alone

Dear Yeonjun, Look now you have a card to show off haha

Dear Yeonjun, Be my valentine?

They were all valid options, but none of them felt right as he put his pen to the card. Maybe it's because he didn't really know what he wanted the card to represent. Jongho was also unsure whether he'd actually give Yeonjun the card friendship or otherwise.

Jongho stared at the card for who knows how long, picking it up and putting it back down again, pondering what pen he should use if he could just settle on the right words, when there was a ding of his phone, breaking him out of his trance.

Jongho picked up his phone from where it had been sitting and his eyes went wide and his heart sped up when he saw who it was from.


𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now