•⊱•••• 12 ••••⊰•

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Day 2 of valentines week was over and done with. Just like Monday there had been a hoard of students professing their love all day, and there was actually a couple of refusals. Rather depressing for the individuals involved but San was feeling particularly bitter at this point and he revelled a little in their sadness.

San switched off the projector he had set up, for the year 10 Korean LOTE class he ran with yet another sigh. If San had a penny for every time he'd sighed in the last 3 days he'd be rich.

He had decided to play an episode of Romance is a Bonus Book. It was a rather lazy lesson choice, but the students seemed to enjoy a break from the intense lessons San usually like to put them through in order for them to actually pick up on the language.

He'd almost turned off the subtitles, but he knew that it would result in a bucket of complaints from the students whom were lagging behind in his class and he wasn't in the mood to argue with them.

San unplugged and closed his MacBook, popping it in his bag, he collected his notes stacking them in a pile before slipping them down the side of his laptop bag.

He did a quick clean up of the floor and gave the whiteboard a scrub before finally grabbing his stuff, switching of the light and heading to the door with the intent of going back to his office and then heading home.

San had his hand hovering over the handle, and was just about to open the door when something caught his eye through the doors narrow panelled window.


San almost doubled over and dropped his stuff, as he recognized Yunho straight away in between the mass of students.

What the hell was Yunho doing here? In the school he works at? Had Yunho found him and for some reason wanted to see him even though he had a family already?

His questions were kind of answered and then became extremely blurry again in a flash as Park Jongho walked up to Yunho and called him a hoe and Yunho called him a hoe back.

San dropped to the floor in a squat position and ducked behind the door "What the fu-?!?" San caught himself. He was at school. You can't swear at school. Especially when you're a teacher. Also if he swore Yunho might hear him.

San slowly opened the door a crack so he could hear better and moved his head so he could just see through the window panel.

San was silent as he watched on as the scene in front of him unfolded.

"Oooh did my sugar daddy buy me some sugar?" Jongho said grabbing for the shake that Yunho waved at the younger boy.

San choked on his tongue "Sugar what?!?!?" San thought. The heart-aching sadness he had been feeling was replaced with pure shock horror.

". . . people are gonna think I'm a weirdo! Say it out of school but not here!!"

San couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was Yunho a sugar daddy?? And to his favourite student at that? Yunho was the same age as San and San did the math in his head, "there's 11 ish years between them" he thought. Jongho was so young and the whole situation was terribly, horribly wrong.

"Well sugar baby! What do you want your sugar daddy to carry for you??" Yunho said, his voice smooth and confident, and with a smile on his face that to San suddenly seemed very wrong.

Jongho opened his locker which was situated just outside San's classroom, both boys backs were to San's door, and began handing things to Yunho. The pair then suddenly began staring at each other.

We're they that close they could communicate without words???

"No. My hands are full, how do you expect me to carry you too?" Yunho said after all the staring.

San was dumbstruck. He didn't even realise he'd stopped breathing.

"Aww come on. I'll cling on like a monkey" Jongho whined

"No!" Yunho exclaimed causing the younger boy to pout.

"Pweaseeeee?!?!?!" Jongho widened his eyes and fluttered his eyebrows.

San had never seen Jongho acting all pouty and very much like a young child before, not even when he was with Yeonjun. Jongho was always a mature and confident student. San had never told him but he highly regarded the boy for his maturity levels.

San tuned back into the conversation again

". . . I get street cred when you pick me up!" Jongho giggled "See what I did there?"

An expression washed over Yunho's face that San couldn't read. . He thought he'd always be able to read Yunho, clearly that wasn't the case, not anymore.

While San was distracted in Yunho's face he totally missed Jongho walk behind Yunho and pounce on his back.

Yunho stumbled forwards and then stood back up as he adjusted himself "You're lucky you're small and light like your dad otherwise I would have dropped you" Yunho huffed

Yunho knew Jongho's dad too? Had he met his dad? Is that what Yunho meant? How else would you know that someone was light??

San had never met the younger's dads but Jongho always spoke highly of them, but now he was questioning Jongho's family, they must be pretty strange if they allowed their son to have a sugar daddy.

San almost wanted to vomit, Yunho was a sugar daddy, Jongho was a sugar baby, Yunho was married and he had a young daughter, and Yunho was cheating and betraying his family.

They were close, too weirdly close and if San didn't have ties to Yunho he probably would have reported him to his higher ups, but his feelings were deeply clouding his logic and morals as an educator causing him to already decide in his mind to keep his mouth shut and just observe instead. This decision could get him in a lot of trouble, but that was the last thing on his mind.

The boy he loved, has always loved, has changed. . a lot. . and the student he thought to be innocent really clearly wasn't.

Was that the reason why Jongho was so mature because he was Yunho's sugar baby? Because he was involved in something so strange and beyond his years? Was this why he and Yeonjun never got together?

San glanced at Yunho's hand observing the lack of ring on his finger.

Did Jongho even know that Yunho was married??

Too many thoughts were bouncing around in San's mind.

Yunho began walking away, Jongho riding on his back and San was . . relieved. Never in a million years did San think that seeing Yunho walk away from him would make him happy.

San sat on the floor, hugging his mac bag to his chest.

He no longer felt sad, or jealous, he felt . . . disgusted

San hated to think, to imagine what things they had done together.

His old lover and his student.

San after a long time stood up.

Doing his very best not to vomit.

A/n It's been a while lol. . .

Anywho I just thought I'd point out that San, Yunho and even Jongho in a way are kdrama level blind.

Lemme explain,

You know when the lead girl in a kdrama is really confident and pretty when she's all dressed up but then when she's not wearing make up, her hair is messy and she's wearing casual clothes she becomes an introvert and the male lead can't recognise her anymore, like she could literlly be standing right in front of him and he'd think she was someone else
Well I want you to take that blind logic and apply that to San and Yunho. I feel like I'm going to have a lot of these moments and I just thought I'd point it out :) Maybe it'll make more sense in later chapters Idk 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, remember to wash your hands!!!

Stay safe and healthy!

Lorri xx

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