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It was Wednesday evening and normally San would be at home, with Shiber, eating a home cooked meal and watching Netflix before grading papers, organising and finalising the following day's class schedules and then going to bed.

But not tonight, tonight he was out with a couple of teachers he worked with at a fancy bistro diner.

It turns out that the teachers of KQ High extended valentines week activities outside of school hours too.

San had been in the staff room minding his own business when Miss. Nakamura who teaches Japanese had approached him asking if he was attending tonight's get together. San had said no, he hadn't even gotten an invite let alone heard of the event in the first place. But Miss. Nakamura had insisted he come, it was tradition and all the teachers from the language department were attending. It would seem weird and rude if he didn't come.

San had almost said no again, because he really wasn't in the mood, but Miss. Nakamura had mentioned that the meal was paid for by the school so with a diminishing amount of hesitation he had agreed to come.

It was a nice opportunity nonetheless to make some friends his age and actually get to know the people he worked with, all while enjoying a free meal, and as it happily turns out, free wine too.

By the time the meal was over it was almost 8.30pm, San was bidding his teacher friends farewell before locating his car in the car park with a smile.

Maybe it was the buzz of alcohol in his system or maybe it was just the pure fulfilment of social interaction, but San was feeling confident and daring and he didn't want the night to end just yet. It was a school night, but that was the least of his worries as he pulled up into the car park of the nearest bar he could find. Just one more drink couldn't hurt.

San locked his car and made his way to the front of the bar. He pulled the shirt he was wearing out of where it had been tucked into his pants and let it hang loosely over his hips, he undid his tie, folded it and put it into his back pocket and finally unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt so he looked more casual.

San took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, the smell of alcohol and the sound of music hitting him immediately.

The bar was a mixture of light and shadow cast by moving bodies in the bar. Flood lights were facing the stage to which a live band was playing and smaller dimmer yellowy lights were spotted about the rest of the bar. There were a couple of people dancing, holding drinks and leaning in close to their counterparts, talking into their ear so they could hear each other over the music.

All the tables were full, the bar surprisingly very lively considering it was the middle of the week.

San made his way through the people, bopping his head to the music as he navigated his way to the bar.

San sat down on one of the bar stools, leaning on the counter and waved his hand to get the attention of the barman.

"Hey! What can I get for you?" the barman asked as he came to stand in front of San, his hands were quick to collect empty glasses from the counter as he spoke. He looked very charming standing before San with his dark green hair.

The barman listed a couple of the items the bar had on tap, as well as his own recommendations. San settled for apple cider, and not before long he had one in his hands.

San was about mid mouthful when he looked left seeing something or rather someone he never expected to see.


His blue hair still just as vibrant even under the dim lighting of the bar.

By the looks of it Yunho really wasn't all with it. He looked wasted.

His head rolled about, his eyes looking everywhere and nowhere. His eyes even appeared to trail across Sans, making San's heart stop.

But as soon as their eyes had made contact and Yunho had smiled his head then went sideways as the taller face planted the bar.

San couldn't help but gasp out Yunho's name as his head made contact with the cold, hard surface of the bar.

San just sat frozen staring at Yunho who was either passed out, sleeping or both. Should he do something? Did he have to do something? A part of San wanted to help, to check to see if Yunho was ok, but the other part of him was telling him that Yunho's lying, cheating, sugar daddying, vomit inducing self didn't deserve his help.

It wasn't until the barman tapped him on the shoulder that San finally jumped out of his trance.

San snapped his head to look at the barman "Yes?" he asked, his tone of voice a lot more jaded than it should have been.

The barman didn't flinch though, instead he said "Do you know him?" and pointed towards Yunho.

San should have said no, he wasn't Yunho's guardian, his keeper, Yunho was just someone he used to know. The word 'no' was right on the tip of his tongue yet as he began to speak, with plans of saying that he didn't know that man from a bar of soap, he reluctantly said "Yes, I do" instead.

"Maybe you should get him home then? Poor bloke has had a rough night, he got stood up by some er Soyoung guy, and the love of his life, Dan I think it was, has apparently left him. Hes also consumed five bowls of complementary  peanuts, I think he's in much need of a friend"

San mouth dropped open as the barman spoke. Just when San thought it wouldn't get any worse it did. So Yunho is apparently going on dates even though he is married and has a child, and has a love of his life called Dan whom has apparently also left him, and he's a sugar daddy?

Maybe he should have said no, because the man Yunho was turning out to be was a complete stranger.

San looked back at Yunho, dead set ready to stand up and leave him behind.

But Yunho pouted in his drunken haze and San's heart churned with that small insignificant movement.

Just because Yunho was apparently an asshole it didn't make him any less attractive in San's eyes.

San had been loving Yunho in his every thought and dreams for years, idolising him and romanticising him.

San couldn't call him ugly, than was unfitting for someone such as Yunho. Yunho was still just as handsome as the day they parted, and he looked hella cute even despite clearly being drunk, and San hated that he had to admit that to himself.

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