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It was currently lunch break between 5th and 6th period on Friday, the all important Valentine's day and Yeonjun and Jongho were eating in the canteen by the heaters since it had been pouring down rain all day and only seemed to get worse as each hour passed.

The day had been quiet eventful so far with a valentine's day assembly this morning and both boys receiving valentine's day letters from girls in person and in secret. Some letters were hand delivered, some were shoved in his locker, some were left on his desk, others were even hand delivered from his teacher at the beginning of class. Jongho was just glad he hadn't been the only one to receive cards otherwise that would have been super embarrassing.

Jongho was actually quite surprised and humbled with just how many he had received, he didn't think he was important or popular enough to receive anything in the first place, not even from Yeonjun.

Speaking of, every time Jongho witnessed someone hand Yeonjun a letter he felt a knot form in his stomach and sadness sneak into his heart. Yeonjun accepted each and every card with an adorable smile and a small "thank you" and Jongho couldn't help but wonder whether Yeonjun would accept and reply back to any of the cards. He literally had his pick of the girls in the school, there was zero chance he'd ever go for a boy like him.

Jongho had somehow found the confidence to shove his own letter for Yeonjun in his bag and take it with him to school this morning, but he was still way too nervous to give it to him, even if he gave it as a joke. Jongho was pretty sure that his bag was where it was going to stay.

Jongho was even thinking of worst case scenarios, what if he gives him the card and Yeonjun doesn't like it joke or otherwise? Or what if Yeonjun accepts one of the cards he has received from his many female admirers, cancels this evening's plans and decides to take one of them instead? It was just all too much for Jongho's weak heart to handle.

Although it was just a hangout, really nothing special to begin with, Jongho had been nervous all day yesterday and all last night at going out with Yeonjun to the movies this afternoon. Yeonjun had been tight lipped on what film they were seeing and no matter how much Jongho nagged and pouted Yeonjun had refused to tell him.

If Jongho had thought Yeonjun was tight lipped yesterday than he definitely was not prepared for how quiet Yeonjun would be today.

Yeonjun had been jumpy all morning, right from the moment Jongho had walked up to him this morning when he was standing by his locker, to only moments ago when Jongho had lent over to grab one of the chips Yeonjun was eating. The only time he seemed to act like himself was when he was receiving a hand delivered card or when he was being addressed to by a teacher or another student.

Jongho bit his lip as he thought of something to say that might get Yeonjun talking to him again.

"Duuuude!!" Jongho suddenly exclaimed out of the blue and slapping his thighs.

Yeonjun jumped, mid mouthful of sandwich, his eyes wide as he stared at Jongho "What?" he asked.

"You'll never guess what Yunho told me last night!" Jongho chuckled.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes knowingly "What did he do this time?"

Yeonjun still looked flighty but Jongho was happy he had said more than one word.

"Ok so remember how I said Yunho met some guy in the park and he was going on a date Wednesday night to the movies?"

"Yeah?" Yeonjun said shaking the hair out of his eyes.

"Well he got stood up"

Yeonjun went to speak but Jongho ironically shushed him because he had more to say, Yeonjun gestured for Jongho to continue.

"Not only did he get stood up, but the giant got so drunk that when he woke up yesterday morning he didn't know where he was. Some stranger called 'S' had taken him home, apparently changed him cause he puked on himself, and then Get this!" Jongho said raising his finger "This 'S' guy washed his clothes, made him soup, wrote him notes and then left him alone in his house"

Yeonjun looked concerned "D-did he eat the soup. .actually wait that's a dumb question of course he ate the soup right?"

Jongho smiled, happy because this topic was bringing words out of Yeonjun. Jongho nodded to answer Yeonjun's question "He did. Luckily when Yunho left the house he was only across from the park so he could work out where he was, but like Yunho is such a goof! He even sent me the guys address just in case the soup turned out to be poisonous and he dies"

Yeonjun snorted, clearly trying to hold in his own laughter and not choke on his food "Tell me how your related to him again?" Yeonjun said with sarcasm.

Feeling that Yeonjun was going back to normal again Jongho tried to press again for hints on the movie tonight.

"Any way's so speaking of da- um movies, do I get a hint at what we are seeing tonight?" Jongho fluttered his eyebrow hoping to butter Yeonjun up.

Yeonjun shook his head, unfortunately for Jongho going all silent again

Jongho lent in close to Yeonjun, ignoring how much self inflicted love struck pain it was causing him from just the nearness of Yeonjun "Pwease???".

"No. Now hurry up and eat, so we can get our books and get to class" Yeonjun said before going as silent as a worm as he looked at his fingers.

Jongho pouted admitting defeat in both getting Yeonjun to act normally and getting a hint for the movies.

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