•⊱•••• 7 ••••⊰•

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Yunho and Doyoung walk side by side, close, but not too close, and Yunho makes an effort to ask about Doyoung's life.

Turns out Doyoung lives a couple of blocks from Yunho and they are both within walking distance of the park.

Yunho also learns that Doyoung is a year older than Yunho and works as a health nutritionist, he likes the colour green, lime green to be exact, he likes water melon, caramel coffee, his favourite movie is Spiderman and he likes to sing in his spare time.

Yunho is proud to know this information because it was learnt because he asked first and not waited like usual for the other to tell him.

"Where do you want to go?" Yunho asks, pointing at the stores as they cross the road from the park to the shops.

"We could go to Sandy's round the corner? The one just past the supermarket. They make excellent coffee! Have you been there?"

Yunho smiles because the name Sandy reminds Yunho of San.

"I haven't! Let's go there!" Yunho chimes in an enthusiastic voice.

The pair continue their banter as they navigate the busy street.

"There it is" Doyoung says as he points at the sandwich board sign sitting on the sidewalk reading 'Sandy's Café' in bright pink and Yellow chalk letters.

Yunho notes the sign but is very quickly distracted.

"Ohh look!! A shiba!!" Yunho happily squeals, he happened to love dogs and it was his second time seeing a shiba today!

Yunho bounds forward towards the dog that is tied up to the sign post just outside the supermarket just before the cafe, leaving Doyoung to jog a couple steps to catch up.

Yunho crouches down in front of the small caramel coloured dog, sticking out his closed hand to let the dog sniff, the dog gives his hand a lick and Yunho immediately begins scratching its fluffy cheeks.

"You're so cwute and Fwuffy" Yunho says in a baby voice as dog wriggles closer, giving access for more scratches. The dog reminded him of the dog he saw with the other guy Dahyun had picked out.

Yunho sifts through the dog's fur to find its collar, "Aww your name is Shiber! That's such a cute name" he says, giving the dog belly scratches, its tail now wagging about as it lies on its back and kicks it little legs about in pleasure.

Yunho looks up in the direction he thought Doyoung would be standing, wondering why he isn't patting the dog too, how could anyone resit?

Instead, Doyoung is a couple of spaces away looking at his hands.

"What are you doing over there? Come pat the dog! It's so fluffy!"

Doyoung looks up, stares at Yunho and then frantically shakes his head "I d-don't l-like animals" he stutters.

Yunho's face drops, his mouth forming a silent oh. Yunho had never met anyone that didn't like dogs, let alone animals before.

"You s-shouldn't pat it, wHat if it b-ites you?" Doyoung stutters again

"Aww look he's harmless though" to make his point Yunho squishes the dogs cheeks in his hands and the dog bleps its little tongue at Doyoung.

Doyoung's face remains unchanged.

"He really doesn't like dogs?" Yunho thinks to himself

Yunho with a sigh stands up again, he quickly takes a photo of the adorable creature and then gives the dog a pat on its head before walking back over to Doyoung.

Yunho waved at the dog who whimpered at his departure and then turned to focus his attention back on Doyoung.

"Lets go!" Yunho smiles as he places a comforting hand on Doyoung's shoulder, hoping the happy smile he wore before would come back and replace the scared timid one he was wearing now.

Thankfully the reassuring hand was doing its job and a smile quickly grew back on Doyoung's face.

Soon the pair were sitting across from each other on a table for two in the edgy beach themed cafe.

There were a series of stunning photographs of the beach hanging on the right most white wall as you walked through the café doors, there were simple tables up against this wall and in the middle of the one room café. On the left most wall, which was painted a deep ocean blue wall, hung a large landscape shot of the sunset and underneath that were a series of booths for customers to sit in. Down the back of the café was the counter and a cabinet holding various cakes and sandwiches.

Doyoung bought a caramel coffee and a tart, and Yunho bought a regular coffee and a lemon slice for himself.

Doyoung was all bubbles and smiles again and they were talking about anything and everything as they ate.

The conversation lulled for a moment and it was here Yunho made a huge mistake. Even if he didn't realise himself that he was making said mistake.

"You know..." Yunho began as he waved his fork about "The name Sandy reminds me of my old bo- an old friend of mine"

"In what way?" Doyoung asked curiously, looking past his small stutter in words, and taking a bite of his tart. Doyoung doesn't really realise it himself but he too is making a mistake.

"His name was San, so San, Sandy, See the similarity?"

Doyoung nodded in understanding, swallowing his mouthful of food. "San is a cool name" Doyoung smiles, blissfully unaware of the strand he was pulling at in the large ball of yarn that is Yunho's mind.

"It's the coolest! I used to call him Sanshine cause he always wore this cute shirt with a picture of the sun on it. In fact I like to combine his name with a lot of things Sanshine, Sanflower, Sandy" Yunho points at the cafes name that was written on his cup "it's just so unique . . "

. . .
. . . . .

Yunho continued to talk about San, Doyoung initially interested in the boy with the cool name. But Yunho simply would not stop talking about San, in fact when Doyoung tried to get a word in Yunho would cut him off with an story about San from their childhood or something funny that San used to say.

Yunho hadn't even noticed how uncomfortable Doyoung was growing, how the boy kept looking at his watch and the door, and how he was awkwardly fiddling with his fork. Yunho had simply fallen into his happy San bubble.

"Ineedtogo" Doyoung suddenly cut in, his words came out quickly in one breath startling Yunho.

"Oh, We were having so much fun though!"

Doyoung smiled uneasily and nodded his head lightly "Look . . "

Yunho, with that one word, was scared for what was to follow . .rejection. Yunho's face fell, and he simply shut up.

" . .you seem like a nice guy . .but I don't think this is going to work out. This San guy sounds a bit more than a friend and um, he sounds special to you. I think maybe he is the one you should be asking out for valentines, not me"

With that Doyoung stood up, causing the metal chair he had been sitting on to make an unsettling screech on the polished concrete floor beneath them, that screech cutting through Yunho as he realised that he had indeed screwed up.

~ ♡ ~

A/n More story coming soon! Promise!
Lorri xx

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