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Yeonjun really did think Jongho was pretty among other things, and he'd thought this way for a very long time.

Yeonjun had first started to feel emotions bubble inside in heart that he'd never felt before for the cute apple loving boy, at orientation, prior to commencing high school.

Yeonjun had been standing by himself nervous at all the new faces that were standing around him, unsure on how to approach any of them.

He was excited to start high school and make new friends, he just wanted to pick the right friends, the best of the best.

Yeonjun wanted to find someone that would excite him and help him thrive, not bring him down, he didn't want to follow anyone, and he didn't want to lead either, he just wanted a friend who could be his equal.

Everyone had been motioned inside by their new teachers and were invited to sit wherever they wanted. It's here as Yeonjun awkwardly stood by the door looking for a seat that he'd noticed a free spot next to a kind looking jet black haired boy.

Yeonjun had rushed over to the seat immediately, he didn't want to stand or sit on the floor. Thank god he did rush too, because of course that free seat was right next to Jongho.

Jongho was playing on his phone, but looked up when Yeonjun accidentally bumped him with his bag as he had sat down.

"Sorry" Yeonjun had said, brushing the boys arm.

"It's ok!" Jongho said cheerfully, "I'm Park Jongho, What's your name?" he then smiled making Yeonjun's heart skip a beat.

"I'm Choi Yeonjun, it's nice to meet you"

Jongho went back to playing on his phone and it's here that they found their first common interest. Jongho was playing a soccer game on his phone and Yeonjun was immediately intrigued.

One thing led to another and the boys were soon talking about what school they had come from and all their favourite things including soccer and apples.

The boys stuck together like glue their whole orientation day, every time teachers asked them to pick a buddy they chose each other so they could keep talking. They ate together, did all their activities together and at the end of the day they'd swapped contacts so they could continue chatting even after they had parted and arrived home.

Yeonjun didn't realise it at first, that what he was feeling inside was leading to a crush and not just mutual admiration and appreciation. That what he felt was actually pertaining to something sweet and way more special.

Before Yeonjun could act on his feelings he first had to understand himself, what and who he identified as, and then he had to work out that the feeling's he held were the type of feelings you had for someone you liked, not ones that you had towards a friend.

Yeonjun didn't want to kiss girls like the rest of the guys in his class, he just wanted to kiss Jongho.

Much like Jongho, Yeonjun had spent forever dwelling on what the other would think, whether he would not only except his sexuality, but also his feelings.

Thankfully Yeonjun had enough guts to actually confess to Jongho.

Thank god, because now he was finally here in the present, and he was going to finally have his wish come true.

Jongho ran forwards to a cute neon heart sign, effectively dragging Yeonjun along.

Yeonjun didn't mind, he liked seeing Jongho so happy and he would gladly go wherever his boyfriend wanted to go.

They started going between each of the neon signs pulling peace signs and making hearts with their hands and taking all the photos in the world.

Some photos they took themselves, others they got people waiting in line for their turn to take photos for them.

Yeonjun was sure they'd taken at least a dozen or so photos at each sign, which meant by the end they'd probably have over a 100, but he knew that the last photo would be his most special and prized one.

The pair lined up for the final neon sign, which by far had the longest line, dropping their school bags at their feet so they didn't have to carry them.

The line led to a set of white golden wings with pink tips, and they spread out gracefully making whomever stood in front of it look like they were some sort of angel or god, fallen from heaven and here to grace the earth.

Yeonjun became increasingly quiet as they neared the front of the line, trying his best to distract himself in all the pictures on his phone.

Jongho had Yeonjun dumbfounded while they were standing in the line, when he had stepped behind Yeonjun and buried his face in his back, giving him a back hug. Yeonjun felt a warmth flood his cheeks and a small smile pull at the corners of his mouth.

Jongho really did amaze Yeonjun sometimes, he knew that he got nervous showing physical affection, which is why he was so surprised of what Jongho was doing now.

Yeonjun hoped that this resolve wouldn't have Jongho too embarrassed with kissing in front of all these people, because that is exactly what he was gearing himself up to do. . .

To kiss Jongho.

Just like the photo from Jongho's poster of Mr. Choi and Yunho kissing, Yeonjun also wanted a first kiss photo, and under the stars, in front of the pretty neon wings seemed like the perfect place to take that photo.

The pair made it to the front of the line and Jongho went to grab Yeonjun's phone.

"Did you want to go first?" Jongho said.

Jongho dropped his arm by his side when Yeonjun pulled his phone from his reach.

"I was thinking we'd do this one together" Yeonjun said, trying to hide the nerves in his voice.

"But this sign is made for one person, you stand in the middle so you have wings" Jongho spread his arms out like the wings to demonstrate.

Yeonjun shook his head, signalling Jongho to put his arms back down before turning to the people just behind them in the line. "Can you take a photo for us?" Yeonjun asked.

The stranger nodded and Yeonjun handed them his phone.

Yeonjun turned back to look at Jongho who was looking at him with a confused expression. "Trust me, I've got a cool idea, just do what I say ok"

Jongho nodded and Yeonjun motioned him to walk forwards as it was finally their time to go up.

The boys dropped their school bags on the ground and then Yeonjun followed behind Jongho as he stepped up the steps to the little podium where the wings were positioned.

The neon lights lit up their faces with a white and pink glow,

Jongho turned to face the camera.

"No" Yeonjun said, it was the only word he could muster as he grabbed Jongho's shoulders and turned Jongho to face him so they were now standing face to face, parallel to the set of wings.

Jongho looked about noting their position "Oh I guess it kind of looks like we both have a wing each" Jongho said, pointing at the neon sign.

"Get ready!" The random stranger suddenly yelled, interrupting their small conversation.

Yeonjun took a deep breath "Just look at me" he quickly murmured.


Yeonjun grabbed Jongho's warm hands.


Yeonjun smiled, making sure he had Jongho's gazed solely focused on him.


Yeonjun lent forwards and kissed the boy of his dreams.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now