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Yunho didn't know how much more of this he could take. How on earth had San gotten everything so wrong? San was seriously taking him on a roller coaster with his words.

"No not more San oh god" Yunho said before pinching the bridge of his nose, he wasn't getting a headache but all this information was painful to hear.

San stood biting his thumb nail "So Wednesday, I saw you at the bar and-"

Yunho had to stop San, he felt a desperate need to jump in first and say his piece instead. He was still curious about his mystery 'S' person. Maybe San had seen him with 'S' and San's next explanation now had something to do with him?

"You saw me on Wednesday, can you remember seeing me with someone? I was really upset that night because the guy that I'd met in the park stood me up and I was upset because you left me and everyone leaves me and I drank way too much, ate way too many complementary nuts and some guy I met there took me back to his house, cleaned me, changed me, made me soup and washed my clothes and wrote me all these little notes he stuck on everything and strangely left me alone in his house the following day"

Yunho stopped talking.

"Sanshine why are you laughing??"

"Tell me what letter they signed the notes with?"

"How did you know they signed their notes with a lett- wait was that you?!?!"

"Yes, I saw you and the barman told me how you were upset over some Soyoung guy and how" San made air quotes "Dan the love of your life left you, I thought you were cheating on your wife with multiple men . .I'm guessing Dan is me right? and Soyoung is the guy from the park?"

"Never in a million years would I cheat. The barman guy got the first letters muddled, it was Doyoung and yes . . You, not Dan".

"Oh" San said with a shy smile "The barman asked if I knew you and when I said I did he told me that I should help you get home, and I was going to take you home after I found your address in your wallet but then you went and puked on yourself in my car and I didn't want you coming home to the place I thought your wife and kid were so I took you back to my place instead. Even though I hated you in that moment I still cared and I trusted you which is why I left you alone in my house, I had to get to work and I didn't want to wake you up and deal with you. How's your back by the way?"

"My back?" Yunho thought for a second, remembering that dull ache he had had in his back when he woke up. "My back was sore but its fine now. Did I fall over?"

San shook his head "I dropped you. . .sorry"

Yunho could understand why San may of dropped him, San was a lot smaller than he used to be and he himself a lot bigger, his weight would have been a lot to support and carry.

"It's ok" Yunho said with a sigh as he pulled San in for a hug.

Everything made sense now, and it hurt Yunho knowing that he could have had San in his arms at least 5 days sooner if he had just gone after the boy with the nice butt and the dog in the beginning, then he would of discovered San sooner, he wouldn't have put San and himself through all this turmoil.

"You know there's one more thing you assumed that you haven't mentioned"

San looked up at Yunho with worry "There is?"

"I'm gay San not BI. Girls never have and never will be my thing you should know that better than anyone"

"It's been so long you could have changed"

"True but still" Yunho trailed off. "So just how is it that you came to be behind my car today?" Yunho asked bringing the conversation full circle and back to the present.

San scratched his neck "Well, so, Jongho presented his project this afternoon in class and it was a really good presentation and through his words he made it clear that you cared for me, a lot, and I may have asked a couple of strange questions but they made me realise that you were still out in the world, although trying to move on, also kind of waiting for me like I have been waiting for you. I was a little lost for words so by the time I clicked, my class and Jongho were already gone. I began to run, because I figured if I could find Jongho then I could find you, and then I got to the car park I saw your car, I ran some more and tripped, fell and you reversed your damm car and hit me and now we're here"

Yunho blushed, feeling embarrassed "I'm sorry I hit you with my car" he said as he squeezed San, "And sorry you had to deal with me while I was drunk"

"It's ok, even when I thought I hated you I still cared" San chuckled.

There was a pause of silence before Yunho spoke again, he took San's cheeks in the palm of his hands tilting the smallers face upwards "There's definitely nothing else that you messed up in that head of yours right?"

"I don't think so . .I'm so sorry I screwed up so much Yun, can you see why I'm an idiot now?"

"No, no, no." Yunho said in protest and stroking San's face with his thumbs "To me you will never be an idiot ok? Never say that. You just got things a bit muddled. As long as you definitely understand now that I don't have a daughter or a wife, but a god daughter and a female best friend whom is her mother, that I don't have a sugar baby, or multiple men on the sidelines then everything will be fine. You understand right?"

"Yes I understand" San smiled shyly.

"It would have been nice to have you back sooner, you're here now and that's all that matters. I missed you so much you don't even know, I never thought you'd ever come back to me. Just why are you back?"

"I came back for you, to find you, because I missed you too. You're a very hard person to find though -"

"Enough talking" Yunho said firmly before cutting San off with a kiss tasting Sans beautiful lips against his own. It had been years, but it was like time never passed all the times he'd made it his mission to rid himself of San washed away with the rain, and now, Yunho made it his mission to hold onto San and never let him go ever again, assuming San definitely still wanted to be his.

Suddenly there was a clearing of throats and San and Yunho shot back from each other looking in the direction of the sound.

Jongho and Yeonjun's befuddled faces met San and Yunho's suddenly flustered ones.

It was only at this point that both San and Yunho realised, after noting Jongho and Yeonjun's lack of umbrella and their dry clothes, that the rain had stopped and that the car park was almost empty now. Also both boys realised just how soaked they were.

As if realising this San and Yunho looked back at each other and began to laugh, wholesomely and with all their heart.

"Jongho, Yeonjun" Yunho began through fits of giggles "Meet Sanshine"

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