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It was at last Friday and currently San had both Jongho and Yeonjun making themselves comfortable in his car.

San had been relatively fine right up until Friday afternoon when he saw Jongho in his homeroom class. It dawned on San like a fish slap to the face that he would be meeting Yunho's whole family for the first time in years, and then on top of that there was Yeonjun, and Yunho had also invited Dahyun and her daughter as well. San was just glad that Yunho had been attentive and gone out and bought them a bigger table otherwise they wouldn't have all fit on his table for four.

Since Seonghwa and Hongjoong were coming straight from work, Yunho had told them that he'd pick up Jongho from school so all the pair had to worry about was getting there. In reality Jongho and Yeonjun were coming home with San since obviously the three were all coming from the same place and going to the same place.

San's nerves were definitely spiking, but at least he didn't have to worry about dinner. It was great having a chef for a boyfriend, as Yunho had taken the day off work and had been cooking up a feast all day. The taller sent San a stream of photos during his recess and lunch breaks to show him what had made so far and what dish he was working on at the moment, Yunho was certainly working hard.

San took some deep breaths, focusing on driving out of the school car park and ignoring the unnerving stares he was getting from Jongho and Yeonjun. He just hoped no teachers would question why it was he had two of his students getting in his car, it'd probably look pretty suss if another teacher were to see them and not have any context.

"This is friggin weird" Jongho exclaimed out of the blue from passenger seat.

San gripped his steering wheel "This is really weird for me too ok! I never thought I'd have two students coming to my place" San spared a quick glance at Jongho "But well you're practically family" San made eye contact with Yeonjun who was now sitting in the back middle seat "And you're extended family? So I guess these occurrences are going to become more regular"

"I guess. It's just so strange because I've heard about you for legit years and now here you are in the flesh, you're like a character straight out of a book. Yunho may not talk to people his age other than Dahyun about you but he certainly talked to me about you"

"Only good things I hope?"

"Mr.Ch . .San I don't think Yunho could ever say anything bad about you, if he said something bad hell itself would break loose and swallow him whole"

San snorted back his laughter before the tense atmosphere swallowed him whole.

"So um" San began, trying to make conversation "How's school?"

"San, you see us every day, what kind of question is that?"

"I don't know! I just don't wanna sound like a creepy person by asking you things about your personal lives"

"Just ask us whatever, I don't mind. Treat us like any other regular people because you sound like a creepy weirdo person right now" Jongho said candidly.

Yunho had warned San that Jongho was blunt, a little savage and wasn't afraid to state the obvious and say exactly what's on his mind; San couldn't quite believe that since Jongho had always been so nice and quiet during school. The only thing that led San to believe that Yunho was telling the truth was the whole 'sugar daddy' thing, that was the one (very strange) window San had to Jongho's cheeky side.

"Yunho was right, you really are savage and direct" San said, giving Jongho a face.

Jongho mock gasped "Savage?! I'm not savage!" Jongho spun in his seat looking back at Yeonjun "I'm not savage right Jun?"

"Not always"

Jongho's jaw dropped and he dramatically clutched his chest "Not always!? Wow I'm really feeling the burn guys"

San cleared his throat "Maybe some ice cream could soothe that burn? That's what Yunho does usually doesn't he? He buys you guys milkshakes and stuff after school?"

Jongho and Yeonjun turned into puppies bouncing in their seats, San could have sworn that he owned not one but four puppies (Yunho included of course).

5 Minutes later and San had pulled through the drive through at maccas and everyone now held a milkshake each.

"So how's your little relationship going?" San asked pointing back and forth inbetween the boys.

Jongho and Yeonjun both choked at the same time.

San shrunk in his seat at the faces he was now receiving from the two younger boys, "What? You said to ask whatever" he protested, San knew he was over stepping, but Jongho had said to ask anything and this topic was something he was interested about, young romance reminded him of his younger years with Yunho.

"Yeah I meant like ask us what we were doing on the weekend or as what we had for lunch" Jongho said defensively.

"Well you didn't specify" San pouted and slurped more of his milkshake, he couldn't win with these boys.

"You know its slowly becoming more clear why you and Yunho work so well, you both are very similar" Jongho stated.

"Well it's becoming clear for me how you and Yunho are related, I think Yunho's personality has rubbed off on you"

Jongho shrugged.

"So . .you gonna answer my question?" San asked innocently.

"We're going well" Yeonjun cut in saving both Jongho and San from this strange hole they'd dug themselves in. They were like two sailors with a life boat clearly in sight and no knowledge on how to get to it.

"How are you and Yunho doing? I'm judging from all the high neck skivvies you've been wearing this week you both are going well?" Jongho said pointing at San's neck.

"W-were doing g-great" San said, he hated that Jongho had this talent for unsettling him like this.

San felt very self conscious and pulled the blue skivvy he was currently wearing up higher, Yunho's lips and teeth had made quite the mess of his body, his students would most definitely tease him and teachers would talk behind his back if they could see his body. San was just glad that they were having a bout of cooler weather so he had an excuse to wear long sleeved clothes such as jumpers and skivvies.

"So have you and Yunho . ." Jongho winked.

San's eyes went wide "Do you really want to know that?!?"

"No, but I just wanted to watch you squirm"

"Hey San?" Yeonjun called from the back seat.

"Yes?" San breathed a sigh of relief hopping for the younger boy to save him again, unfortunately it turns out, that out of school Yeonjun could be quite cheeky too, even if San didn't know in that moment.

"Dominos or subway?" Yeonjun asked.

San thought for a moment, it was a random question, but honestly he'd answer anything to navigate himself safely through these teenage waters, "Um subway, its healthier"

San watched as both Jongho and Yeonjun looked at each other and then all of a sudden began laughing.

"What's so funny? Did you see something?" Maybe the boys saw a funny sign or something?

Jongho completely ignored San turning back to Yeonjun "Yeah he's definitely a subway sort of guy, Yunho is definitely dominos"

The two boys fist bumped and San decided he'd just keep his mouth shut for the rest of the drive and ask Yunho when they got home, he'd know right?

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now