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Jung Yunho was San's neighbour who he consequently met before he could even walk or talk.

San's parents and Yunho's dad's were quick friends.

Both parents were going through the same things since their boys were practically the same age so there was plenty to talk about. Their sons were a common ground for conversation.

San and Yunho's parent's friendship resulted in many dinners, bbqs and get togethers at each other's homes discussing all sorts of things. Allowing the boys to play while they chatted.

San and Yunho saw eachother almost every day even if only briefy, and when they were old enough they attended the same kinder, primary school and part of high school together.

All of this meant that Yunho and San spent an inexplicable amount of time together, growing, playing and learning about their world.

Being so close all the time meant that Yunho was someone San cared about deeply, and like you love a family member, San loved Yunho.

San's love towards Yunho at first was based on pure friendship.

The two boys had often kissed each other on the cheek, and they even shared a peck on the lips here and there before it meant more than just a friendly and cheeky gesture.

They would hug each other tightly during the night on their many sleepovers they had, enjoying the others presence and safety when they had a bad dream or when they heard a thump in the night.

They'd often hold hands when they entered new situations or went to places together. There was comfort in having the other by their side, and knowing that if they were going to get lost they'd get lost together.

But as San got older particularly when he hit his tween years the love he felt towards Yunho shifted and changed into something different.

His love grew and blossomed into something more romantically sweet.

To put it simply, San developed a crush, and thankfully it was a crush that Yunho developed on his end as well.

They were young, and an outsider, would probably consider their feelings as just a school boy crush, but to San and Yunho it was a whole lot more.

They were each other's world.

San and Yunho were 13 and their feelings for each other were simmering on high at this point, which meant they were a bit awkward around each other. They'd accidently brush hands and make their hearts flutter or catch the other glancing at them and their cheeks would turn red.

San was at Yunho's house for a sleepover when they'd both finally confessed in their own special way how they truly felt towards each other to each other.

It was probably the most uncomfortable sleepover that they'd ever had, since they were both awkwardly dancing around each other and their feelings.

They'd chosen to sleep in the lounge room rather than in Yunho's bed where they usually slept. Neither boy had the confidence in sleeping beside the other in such a personal place and casual state like usually do.

They'd built a pillow fort in the lounge room, with pillows, blankets and couch cushions, and raided the pantry cupboard for snacks and drinks.

It was gone midnight but the boys were still awake whispering quietly so they wouldn't wake Yunho's dads.

They were in their sleeping bags lying face to face. They were probably too close, but they were both letting their feelings slip into their actions and their close proximity was a result of that.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now