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Jongho had thought that the most eventful thing off his day would be he and Yeonjun becoming boyfriends, what he hadn't expected though was for Yunho to one up him and finally find the man he's been pinning over for years. What was even crazier than Yunho finding Sanshine, was that Sanshine was his homeroom teacher Mr. Choi.

After Yunho had hit the person they now knew as Sanshine with his car, Yeonjun and himself had stayed in the car panicking as to whether they should get out or not. Yeonjun had emphasised that if it were serious Yunho would tell them to call an ambulance or something, so the two boys had stayed put.

But after a couple minutes had passed and Yunho hadn't gotten back in the car, the two boys were wondering where he went. Yeonjun once again had been the thinker and suggested that maybe Yunho had taken whomever he hit to the front office, and it seemed plausible since neither boy could see Yunho out the back window of the car.

So once again the boys had sat, idly chatting, and fiddling & getting distracted with their phones. The rain soon stopped and Jongho decided that maybe they should get out and look for Yunho. Jongho knew that Yunho knew his school well, but it was still a big place and even Jongho had to admit he got lost down a corridor ever now and then.

Jongho slid out of the car, Yeonjun following close behind, both boys scanning the area for Yunho's blue hair.

"Isn't that Yunho there?" Yeonjun said pointing with his finger and also turning Jongho's body at the shoulders, to turn him in the right direction.

"Who's that he's with though? Do you reckon that's who Yunho hit?"

Yunho was facing the boys, but standing in front of Yunho was an unfamiliar figure. Their back was facing them so neither Yeonjun or Jongho could see their face.

"Maybe they're swapping details"

"Swapping details?" Jongho queried, looking back at Yeonjun.

"Yeah, isn't that what your meant to do when you get into an accident like this? You swap details so if they wanna sue or something then you know who to call"

Jongho furrowed his brows "I guess. But it doesn't take this long to swap details, what do you reckon they're talking about?"

Jongho watched Yeonjun's face as he looked at Yunho, Yeonjun then looked back at Jongho "I don't have my glasses on, but it kinda looks like Yunho's crying"

Jongho looked back at Yunho "Yunho probably just feels bad for hitting that dude with his car, he's probably apologising and being all dramatic about it, the guy looks perfectly fine." Jongho paused "You know he kind of looks like Mr. Choi"

"Dude! You know what, I was thinking the exact same thing! Maybe Yunho hit Mr. Choi with his car" Yeonjun chuckled.

"Maybe we should go over there and help them out, if it is Mr. Choi, maybe if we go over there he won't press charges or whatever"

"Good idea" Yeonjun nodded.

The two boys began walking but then they both froze, it was like someone had hit the pause button on both boys at the exact same time.

Jongho swatted out with his arm until he found Yeonjun's sleeve, pulling on it while his eyes were now trained on Yunho "I'm not seeing things right?"

"You're not seeing things Jong" Yeonjun said, his eyes also focused on Yunho and the person they thought to be their teacher.

"That's one hell of a way to settle an accident" Jongho said, disbelief in his eyes.

The boys took tentative steps forwards, and with each step it was becoming clearer and clearer as to who the mystery person was.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now