•⊱•••• 16 ••••⊰•

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After using the bathroom Yunho had chosen to go straight to the kitchen. Going with Jongho and his dad to get photos of himself and San just seemed weird. He needed to put the memories from those scrapbooks his dad kept in the past if he was going to move on in to the future.

Yunho was sitting across from his dad Wooyoung, talking about work when Jongho stepped into the kitchen.

Yunho watched as Jongho looked him up and down as he collected his hot chocolate off the bench and the little bowl of marshmallows that his dad had left beside it.

"What did you fall in?" Jongho asked as he sat down at the head of the table between the pair and made himself comfortable.

Yunho gave Jongho a cynical look as he took a sip of his coffee and placed it in front of himself.

"Fell in where?"

"The toilet, where else?" Jongho said with a smirk.

Wooyoung snorted and Yunho wheezed.

"What no! Does it look like I fell in?" he said with wide eyes.

"You could have changed" Jongho said in a sassy tone as he popped a marshmallow in his mouth.

Wooyoung looked back and forth between Yunho and Jongho. "His butt is too big, he couldn't possibly fall in" the elder said with a giggle.

Yunho snapped his head towards his father "Daaaad!!!"

"What? I'm helping" Wooyoung shrugged and sipped his coffee with an innocent expression.

Jongho giggled and took another bite of one of his marshmallows.

Yunho shot Jongho a look and attempted to steal one of Jongho's marshmallows, but his reflexes weren't quick enough and the younger held his prized bowl as far as his arm would allow.

Thus started a mini war between Jongho and Yunho over a bowl of marshmallows. A war that Wooyoung took a back seat in watching even though he could have easily been the responsible adult, taken the bowl and given it to his son or asked Jongho to share.

Yeosang soon stepped into the room breaking up the boys playful dispute, Yeosang letting Jongho keep his bowl and Yunho feeling pouty because his dad's weren't helping him at all.

Jongho stuck out his tongue at Yunho as he dumped the whole bowl of marshmallows in his hot chocolate so now the older definitely couldn't have any.

The four chatted about what was going on in the world, very similar to the conversation Yunho and Jongho had had in the car, with the exception of no talk of Yeonjun.

Jongho thought of his crush for Yeonjun as his little secret that only Yunho knew of, but to anyone looking it wasn't hard to tell that Jongho had a crush.

Yunho told his dads about his up coming date with the boy he met in the park and his change in mindset for finally leaving San behind and moving on with his future.

They looked . . .doubtful.

They were adamant that Yunho wouldn't just be able to forget San, and they pointed out how every time Yunho had been in a relationship post San that Yunho had always circled back, they were curious to know how this time was any different from the last time.

Was this new Doyoung guy that important that he could wipe San completely of their sons radar? And even if it wasn't meant to be could Yunho really keep up the ruse of putting San in the past and moving on with perhaps another guy?

Yunho could see that they were trying to be supportive just like Jongho, praising and showing happiness towards the fact that he may not be alone of Valentines.

But Yunho could also see the uncertainty in their eyes.

Yunho hopped they would understand with time that he really wanted to move on, he hoped that he could prove them wrong.

They all finished their respective drinks and not too long later Yunho was bidding his father's farewell. It was getting late, the sky outside dark. Yunho wanted to drop Jongho home before his shift at work started.

Jongho happily thanked Yeosang for the photos which the elder had put in a nice envelope for him, they said their goodbyes, and then the pair walked themselves out the door. Yunho's insisting his dads didn't need to walk them out.

They both hopped in the car, Jongho holding tightly to the envelope Yunho's father had given him.

Jongho pulled on his seatbelt to strap himself in safely but it wouldn't budge. He put his envelope in his lap and yanked on the belt a couple of times with his iron grip.

Yunho eyed him, silently judging the younger for pulling violently at his cars seatbelt and thus hurting his car.

Jongho looked over at Yunho "Its stuck" he said with a pout.

"Well of course its stuck dummy! If you're gonna yank on it like that it ain't going to budge"

Jongho stared at Yunho and gave another tug with both hands but it didn't move because it was in that weird safety mode that car seatbelts have.

Yunho rolled his eyes and unbuckled his own seatbelt leaning over to Jongho's side of the car and into his personal space, shooing Jongho's hand off the seatbelt.

Yunho held the seatbelt and slowly allowed it to recoil back into the car before pulling it slowly back out again and locking it in place over Jongho.

"Is the bwig baby all happily strwapped in now?" Yunho said in a baby voice, and getting all up in Jongho's face as he moved back to his own seat.

Jongho rolled his eyes and huffed at being babied. "Yes" he muttered in a silent voice as he looked down at the envelope in his lap.

"What was that? I didn't hear" Yunho teased.

Jongho was silent for a moment, until he realised that Yunho was staring at him waiting for an answer. "I'm all strwapp- I MEAN STRAPPED, I'm all strapped in!!" he promptly said, groaning at stumbling over his words.

Yunho squished Jongho's cheek and Jongho quickly swatted him away.

"Let's get you home shall we" Yunho laughed as he started the car and pulled out of his father's driveway.

A/n (≧▽≦)ノ

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