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Yunho paused allowing San a moment to breathe. Talking about the past hurt and Yunho knew that San had gone through a lot. His family split and his whole life got upturned, Yunho was glad that San knew some Korean so when he and his mother moved to Korea, he wasn't completely isolated.

"So you got a job as a teacher? How did that happen?" Yunho still wondered why of all things San had chosen to become a teacher.

San smiled, showing his dimples "Since there was a bit of a language barrier I spoke more English than I did Korean. I made some nice friends though and I ended up teaching them English and they helped me improve my Korean. I guess I just found a love of teaching people, lots of people wanted to learn English, and they were willing to pay which was good incentive for me, and I enjoy teaching so yeah. When I finished high school I studied teaching and then I got a job as an English teacher. Once I had enough money and mum reassured me that she was ok staying behind with her family I moved back here, I've actually only been back here for two-ish months"

Yunho looked around the apartment observing the moving boxes San had pushed up against the wall, making sense of why San's house was so bare, if he only just moved in then he wouldn't have had the time to unpack fully, he probably decided to start mostly again from scratch when he moved back.

"Ok, I have a question for you" San asked tapping Yunho's chest.

Yunho smiled, "Shoot"

"When I moved back I tried looking for you, but you are legit the hardest person to find, your whole family is actually. I tried to track you down on social media and I even visited your old house but you were a ghost . .I thought I was the one who should be a ghost" San pouted.

"You couldn't find me? I'm not that hard to find. You're more tricky than I am, I guess if you were going under your mums last name and everything else considered then it makes sense why I couldn't find you for years but surely you should have been able to find me"

"What's your '@' then?" San asked curiously.

" '@Yunho_Jung' on all of my accounts"

"Seriously!?" San squeaked, his eyes practically popping out of his head in incredulity.

"Yes seriously, gimmie your phone I'll add myself"

San grabbed his phone from where it was sitting on the table and handed it to Yunho.

Yunho began to search and added himself on all of San's accounts, a smile befalling his lips and another reason that he himself couldn't find San becoming clear. "You have all your accounts on private. No wonder I couldn't find you . .and your users are all '@sanshine'" Yunho had ironically never thought to search 'Sanshine'.

"It's a good username" San said curtly with a little shrug. "And yeah I've had my accounts on private ever since I got them, plus since I'm a teacher, that way students can't find me."

Yunho also stuck his number in Sans phone, before handing him his phone back and then grabbing his own phone to accept all the new incoming requests.

San was looking hard at his phone his eyebrows pulling together as he muttered words.

"Seonghwaffles, Applecakes22, Hong-ee, SANG7, that's Seonghwa, Jongho, your cousin Hongjoong and your dad right?"

San was clearly going through Yunho's friend list.

"Ahh, Yep! My other dad, my aunt and uncle only have facebook. You should follow them, they'll probably have heart attack" Yunho laughed

"Why would they have a heart attack? They probably don't even remember me" San trailed off.

"Trust me, they remember you . .even though I kept trying to move on I think practically everyone in my family was rooting for you"


Yunho nodded. "I'm expecting a lot of 'I told you so's' from them when we see them. I'll take you to see my dad's first, you shall be quiet the surprise for them, assuming Jong hasn't told them yet"

"I'll hold off adding them then, I wanna see their faces when they see me" San smirked.

Yunho lent out with a need to stroke San's cheek, San was his little secret. San lent into Yunho's hand as his fingers brushed his skin. "I still can't believe you're back"

"I still can't believe I have you back. I also can't believe that we found each other again after all these years"

"I know" Yunho grabbed San's arms pulling him forwards, San made a little squeak as he fell, but he quickly got comfortable. Yunho was sure with the placement of San's head that he could hear the beating of his heart through his chest.

"Oh!" San said as he propped himself up on Yunho's chest "Please don't hate me for forgetting but . . . . .actually don't worry" San put his head back down and zipped his lips.

"No ask me, what is it?" Yunho asked, intrigued. Yunho would answer anything and everything San asked him no matter how simple or strange.

San didn't look back up at Yunho but instead pulled nervously on the fabric of Yunho's shirt instead. "You promise not to hate me?"

"I could never hate you Sanshine" Yunho put up his pinkie in a pinkie promise.

San sealed the pinkie promise and then spoke "Our first kiss . . when was it?"

"Ahhhhhh" Yunho said knowing all too well why San may have been asking this question considering he too couldn't remember their first kiss. "I'm guessing Jong use the one of us kissing in his poster?"

San nodded.

"I always thought it was at that sleepover at mine" Yunho said answering San's question

"That's what I thought too!" San said, sitting up to look Yunho in the eye, but then I saw that picture and now I'm not so sure"

"I think in all honesty we're having a lot of first kisses. Our first kiss at Joong and Hwa's, our first kiss the night before we became boyfriends for the first time, our first kiss after we did the following morning, our first kiss after all these years in the car park, which I hope doesn't get you fired btw, and lastly our first kiss as boyfriends, again"

"That's a lot of firsts" San exclaimed in astonishment. "It's almost like you're counting" San chuckled.

"W-what I'm not c-counting"
Yunho was still totally counting.

"It's ok I'm counting too" San smiled, but then his smile turned into something sneaky and Yunho had no idea why. "Counting down that is" San added.

"Counting down to what?" Yunho asked, completely confused and oblivious.

"You should know the answer to that" San winked as he stood up and extended his hand. "Now come, let's go eat some strawberries!"

Yunho took San's hand allowing himself to be pulled up, excited for strawberries but also utterly confused. Just what on earth was San counting down to?

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