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Yunho had quite a comfortable day. He'd woken up this morning to go on his morning walk with San and Shiber before the older left for work, and then he had spent the day listening to music, chatting about nonsense to Shiber and doing what he does best; Cook.

The bustling and busy atmosphere of the bistro contrasted greatly to cooking in San's, or rather his new kitchen. Yunho was still settling into the fact that this house was his now too. At the bistro Yunho was dealing with strangers who were quick to judge if something was wrong with the dish he provided them and he was always rushing to make sure meals were out and in front of customers in a prompt and calm fashion. At the bistro he had half an hour at most to prepare food, at home he had all day.

He wasn't nervous about cooking for his family, he was good at managing his time so he wasn't worried about not having everything prepared in time, and he knew what they all liked so he was confident that whatever he prepared they would enjoy. He also wasn't overly nervous about his little prank, he knew at first everyone would freak out, but his whole family had a great sense of humour so he was sure that they'd take it in their stride and not be upset that he had fooled them.

Everyone already loved San so things would be fine.

Yunho did have one wildcard when it came to San though; Dahyun. Dahyun had never met San and she most definitely had her reservations about him.

She was also the only person he had actually told that his new boyfriend was San.

When he had called her he planned to string her a line from the prank web he'd weaved, but right at the last second he decided to just tell her the truth; that San had returned, still loved him and that they were now dating and moving in together, she had demanded that she wanted to meet San and Yunho had invited her to his family dinner and also filled her in on the prank he had planned.

Its why Dahyun had arrived so early just now. She wanted to meet and size up San before the rest of Yunho's family arrived.

Yunho had told San she was coming, but he hadn't said that she was coming early, and he couldn't help but feel bad at seeing San's shocked face when she had let herself in, probably coming in as Jongho and Yeonjun were leaving with Shiber.

San looked like a deer in headlights and Yunho saw the wave of despair the fell over the older's face when he had hugged Dahyun. He hoped that with time the two could become friends and small friendly gestures wouldn't make San worry.

Yunho quickly sat them at the table on opposites sides so they wouldn't kill each other and then sat himself at the head of the table in the middle of them, he didn't want to sit next to one of them and make it look like he was choosing sides. He also sat Nari in his lap, just a precautionary layer of defence for himself.

"So Choi San, Why did you leave, never call, and break my best friends heart?"

Wow Dahyun definitely wasn't beating around the bush.

Yunho watched as San bit his lip and he wanted to jump in to defend San but Dahyun pointed a finger at Yunho and he shut up before he'd even began.

San stop chewing a hole in his lip to speak "I tried to, but I wasn't able to, I'm guessing Yunho may have filled you in about the situation with my father?"

"He did. You must not have tried hard enough though, Yunho here was still heartbroken and wondering where you disappeared to when I met him at university"

Yunho went to jump in but this time San shushed him. Yunho pouted and then made funny faces at Nari instead.

"I wrote Yun letters, but I wasn't able to send them because they could be traced back to myself and my mother and they could have also potentially put Yunho in danger and that's the last thing I ever wanted to do. If I had the ability to call or email I would have as well, but the village my grandparents live in was in the middle of nowhere and once again those calls and emails could be traced"

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