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Saturday morning the boys woke up to find that Shiber had nestled his way into San's arms, so Yunho was back hugging San and San was holding Shiber.

Very quickly though San had rolled so he was facing Yunho again and Shiber took the hint and completely left the room right before San and Yunho kissed.

The boys were very much living that honeymoon state of mind, purely just the sight of the other set their heart a flutter. Both Yunho and San wondered how on earth they had lived without the other for so long.

After rolling around in the sheets and then cleaning themselves up they'd circulated to the kitchen where together they made pancakes for breakfast. They managed to make a huge mess after they'd each made it their mission to smear batter on the others face. Somehow even Shiber had been dusted with flour from the mix.

After breakfast Yunho and San took Shiber for a walk around the park both feeling a little sad and nostalgic as the passed the area where Yunho had been having his picnic with Dahyun & Nari and San had seen them and then consequently read everything so wrong. 

To make San feel better Yunho decided that they'd reenact the scene but this time San would stay put and Yunho would go straight to 'The boy with the nice butt' . Both boy's had a good laugh as they over dramatized their reenactment by slow-mo running towards each other, making absolute fools out of themselves, but having fun nevertheless. 

After their walk Yunho returned to his share house, surprising his housemates by telling them that he was moving into his boyfriends place.

Yunho didn't mention it was San, his housemates never really knew much about San to begin with; San was a secret he kept to himself. He then asked his housemates to help him to pack up his belonging's.

Yunho was a very neat and simplistic person, so he didn't have too much to pack, and with the help of the rest of his housemates he was able to jam what little stuff he owned in his car in under two hours. He left furniture such as his bed and chest of draws, they belonged to the landowner, so really it was just books, clothes, photos, stationary, his laptop, his pillow and his tiny plant collection.

Once it was all in the car he spoke with the landowner to pay of the remainder of his rent and nullify his contract, he said goodbye to his housemates and just like that, poof, he was gone and returning back to his new home.

While Yunho had been out San had made room for Yunho's clothes in his closet and made space in his draws for anything Yunho wanted to store away, and once Yunho got home they started putting away his stuff and also investigated the items San still hadn't unpacked himself of his own moving boxes.

Yunho was happy to discover that San still had a small collection of plushies, and he pulled them out so Kuma would have some friends.

While looking through San's boxes Yunho came across San's letters that he had written. They were all collated in a singular scrapbook style decorated box, and the boys spent the rest of the afternoon looking through and reading each and every letter that San had put his heart and soul into.

It was clear that even though they were apart San's feelings didn't end when he and Yunho separated. San truly did hold on and cherish his feelings.

Once they'd read the letters and then had prepared and finished dinner they went on their second walk with Shiber for the day and it's here they hatched a plan of deceit.

They were enjoying being together, just the two of them, so they decided that they wouldn't tell everyone that they were together again and now living together straight away, but instead use this new found opportunity, mainly for Yunho, to epic prank his dads and the rest of his family.

Yunho knew that once they found out that San was back that they'd all tease him for trying to get over San over the years, so he wanted to have some fun before that happened.

They planned to pretend that Doyoung from the park was now Yunho's boyfriend and that they have moved in with each other because it was love at first sight.

Yunho messaged Jongho, checking first to see whether he'd told anyone about San, and then when Jongho had said 'no' he asked him to keep his lips sealed and filled him in on the plan.

To make it seem more real Yunho would post pictures from around San's house while he unpacked and settled in, with San's body in the background of the photos, but never actually include San's face.

With the plan in place the boys made their way home and headed to bed, ready to set their idea in motion the following day.

A/n I feel this chapter is more of a summary chapter, I didn't feel the need to expand too much as this story is nearly at its close. So I hope it doesn't seem rushed -_-

I just wanted to set us up for the final  few chapters. I should also point out these last few chapters used to be the epilogue haha, but it seemed too long so I added them as chapters.

Lorri xx

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