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Wooyoung, many years ago when Yunho was only a baby, had bought Yeosang a really nice camera for Christmas so they could capture every moment of theirs and Yunho's life together, and ever since Yeosang had developed a great love for photography.

From his photographs Yeosang liked to scrapbook and he had made many scrapbooks over the years about their life as a family and all things in between. From Yunho's first steps, to his first day at school, family holidays and trips, and funny moments with family and friends, Yeosang had taken pictures of it all.

Yeosang stepped into the study. It was small, but it was teaming with knowledge and life.

There were books of all shapes and sizes, wall to wall on the floor to ceiling shelves and in between those books were model cars, photography supplies and other knick knacks.

In the far corner of the room was a small desk just big enough for a computer, a hoard of stationary and a few other electronic bits and bobs, and that desk sat beneath a window that had the perfect view of the backyard.

The backyard itself was quite beautiful to look at and both Wooyoung and Yeosang loved and cared for it together. They kept the flowers in bloom, the shrubs in check and the tall oak trees branches trimmed and not overflowing into the neighbour's yard.

Yeosang switched on the light so they could see better and bobbed down, resting on bent knees to a lower shelf that housed his scrapbooks and albums.

"What exactly is this project Jong?" Yeosang asked as he ran his fingers along the spines of the scrapbooks.

Jongho sat crossed legged in front of Yeosang on the carpeted floor "Its valentines week at school, and my homeroom teacher set us a project to make a poster about different types of love, like the love between a father and son, or the love between friends and then we have to make a poster on it"

Yeosang nodded in understanding and motioned for Jongho to continue.

"I picked the love between friends and I'm focusing on the love Yunho has for San, like how he's loved him all these years even though San isn't around. My posters a bit of an anecdote sorta. I thought it would be interesting to talk about how love can exist even if the other person isn't present."

"Ahh. Well Yunho definitely loves San. Certainly an interesting example of how someone can love even if the one they love isn't around" Yeosang let out a small chuckle "You know, I never expected him to hold onto his feelings for so long. I know he loves him but I just want him to be happy" Yeosang shook his head, not wanting to get to deep into his sons love life.

". . .Well anyway! What sort of photos did you want?" Yeosang asked and pointed at his scrap books

Jongho thought for a moment. He wanted photos that would make people smile and go awww, and he really wanted to draw on the fact that Yunho and San had known each other for such a long time before they were separated. "Ahh some photos from when they were younger, like primary school age would be best" Jongho said with a polite smile.

Yeosang navigated with his finger along the dates which were on the spines of the scrapbooks, the elder settled on one, pulled it out and handed it to Jongho to look at.

Jongho set the scrapbook in his lap and opened the front cover.

Immediately Jongho was hit with creative flare, photos were surrounded with cut paper, washi tape, stickers, and a ridiculous amount of glitter glue squiggles. In between all the colour were little titles, dates and notes about each picture.

Jongho immediately recognised a young, very small Yunho whom must have been 6 or 7. Yunho's hair was chocolate brown, which was a weird sight to see as Jongho could only ever remember seeing Yunho with blue hair.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now