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San repeated a string of silent 'No's' in his head as he observed each picture on the younger's poster. There were two pictures of them in their school uniforms, one of them with their teddy's and one of them kissing which San for the life of him couldn't remember ever happening.

San felt a deep warmth flood his cheeks.

Why on earth did Jongho have these pictures? He was involved with Yunho so shouldn't he keep his school life and his sugar baby life with Yunho separate? Also did Jongho not realise that it was him in the images? Why was he doing a project about Yunho and himself?

San was simply too stunned to move, to say anything, to do anything so instead he just stared, wide eyed, and a quick flick of his finger was the only thing he could muster to signal Jongho to continue.

"I chose to do my project about the love between friends. But not just any old friendship love. More of an estranged sort of love"

Jongho pointed at Yunho in one of the photos on his poster.

San held his breath.

"I'd like to introduce you to Yunho, a guy who is practically like a big brother to me. You may have seen him around since he picks me up from school sometimes. He's kind, and confident and most importantly dedicated, and he's so dedicated that he has chosen to truly love only one man his whole life, Sanshine"

Jongho pointed at San in the photo. San was so focused the world could be blowing up and San wouldn't notice.

"Sanshine was Yunho's neighbour, they were fast friends and as they grew older they fell in love. It was a deep love, the type of love that everyone longs for. But the love of Yunho's life left to Korea for reasons and Yunho hasn't seen him in over 9 years"

"Distance didn't stop Yunho from loving Sanshine however. His dedication has allowed him to keep Sanshine in his heart even after all these years"

"Yunho for the whole time I've known him, which is my whole life really, has longed for a man that he doesn't even know the exact location of, he doesn't even know when he'll come back or if he'll come back"

"Sanshine has always been on Yunho's mind, he longed for his best friend to reappear in his life, to sweep him off his feet so they could live happily ever after"

"One of the main ways Yunho expresses his love today, other than his words, is his hair. He continues to dye it blue on the off chance that his hair will act like a beacon, and that hopefully it will be the reason that Sanshine could find his way home to him again"

"Yunho does try his best to move on, he says it's what Sanshine would have wanted, for him to be happy, to find love and start a family. But I, and practically all of my family really, still secretly hope that one day they will be reunited. That there will come a day when Yunho doesn't have to wait anymore, because his happiness will return by his side."

"There's a deep slice in Yunho's heart that he desperately tries to heal over and over again with sparing relationships. But I believe that split can only be mended by one man, Sanshine"

"The love that Yunho holds is truly beautiful, sad but beautiful, the fact that he can love someone even though they are no longer in his life just proves to show how dedicated he is and how if you truly love someone you'll wait an eternity for them."

"Love is a powerful thing, true love is endless, its timeless, it both simple and complex, you don't have to acknowledge it to know it's there, it simply just exists in your heart for you and you alone"

"Purely and simply it just exists."

"Anyways that's it . .Any questions??"

The room was silent, so silent San could hear the drumming of his own heart in his ears, clouding his mind and thoughts.

"Isn't Yunho married?" San suddenly asked, the question just rolled right off his tongue.

Jongho looked at San with a confused expression "Married? Pfft, sure he's dated guys, well at least tried to, but Yunho married? No way. He's very much living the single life"

San was still in a daze, who was the woman he saw then? The girl that Yunho was holding? The three of them looked so intimate. San had just assumed they were a family.

Sans world was crumbling before his eyes and he was struggling to hold onto and make sense of it pieces as they fell.

"Does Yunho have a daughter?" San asked, he didn't care that he was making a fool of himself in front of his class by asking such strange questions, he simply just wanted to know the answers.

"Lol no. He's not even married why would a guy like him have a daughter? That being said, Yunho is a god parent to his best friend's daughter. Have you seen Yunho before?" Jongho questioned.

So Yunho didn't have daughter? He didn't have a wife? What?

San didn't answer Jongho's question, instead he continued with his own "You said Yunho was like a brother to you, is he nothing more?"

"Umm, well we're related if that's what you mean? Yunho is my dad Hongjoong's cousin"

San silently nodded, while his class clapped around him.

Jongho pulled his poster off the board and sat back down.

But San wasn't paying attention, he was un-moving from his chair even as the minutes ticked by and his student began to chatter amongst themselves.

San was starting to think about how much of an idiot he has been, a huge idiot who has clearly gotten everything wrong, so very wrong.

Yunho is not married. He does not have a daughter. Jongho is related to Yunho.

Heck now that he knows they're related he even remembers how he's was there when Jongho was a baby, he had held Jongho in his arms.

San remembers Jongho's dads Hongjoong and Seonghwa as clear as day. He'd read in Jongho's file that Seonghwa and Hongjoong were his parents, and San was even pretty sure Jongho has said their names before to him in conversation. Even then, the combination of Jongho and his last name Park should have been enough to jog his memory.

Park Jongho, Park Seonghwa, Park Hongjoong, Song Mingi, Song Mina, Jung Yeosang, Jung Wooyoung, Jung Yunho.

San could name everyone in Yunho's family. How had he not made the connection until now?

San suspected the whole sugar daddy thing must be an inside joke of some sorts. It was dark when he had seen Yunho and Jongho outside the mystery house, he had obviously seen wrong.

It did trouble San knowing that Yunho had been upset and crying at a bar, and a little light in his heart was thankful that he was the one to look after Yunho even though he was upset and angry himself.

San suddenly snickered and his heart twisted remembering what the barman had said:

"Maybe you should get him home then? Poor bloke has had a rough night, he got stood up by some err Soyoung guy, and the love of his life, Dan I think it was, has apparently left him. I think he's in much need of a friend"

Was it possible that when the barman said 'Dan' that he had meant to say 'San' instead but gotten it mixed up?

San huffed right now all these things were the least of his worries.

What mattered most is that Yunho after all these years had waited for him, was waiting for him, just as he himself had been waiting for Yunho.

San didn't realise the bell had gone to signal the end of the day, he didn't notice his students confused expression at their teachers silence, he didn't realise he was alone again . .until the silence took over his mind and the classroom.

San had to go to Jongho, he had to tell him he was San, that he was Sanshine, that he was Yunho's happiness, that he was coming home.

San stood up and he ran.

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