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It was indeed an interesting morning for Yunho.

Yunho had been out boy watching with Dahyun before, in fact boy watching was one of their favourite things to do together. They'll pick out one in the crowd, make up a story about his life based on his appearance and then decide who would partner up with said boy, hypothetically of course.

But they usually did this on one of their many food dates, or [Yunho gets dragged around] shopping days at the mall, or [Yunho drags Dahyun to the] Gym days, never at 8.30 in the morning at a park, and never has Dahyun suggested Yunho actually introduce himself to someone, usually they just observed from afar.

Dahyun knows all too well that Yunho will never approach another man of his own accord, they have to come to him first, he's never the one to actively seek a companion. Which is why Yunho is surprised that Dahyun is pressing for Yunho to make an effort in introducing and finding himself someone today.

Most men Yunho has met he's met under the glow of yellow stained lights at a bar, bearing gifts of wine, cider and other interesting beverages and throwing him cheesy pick up lines, or over sweet tasting cakes and coffee at a cafe with a friend who insisted he just had to meet their [other] single gay friend.

Yunho does indulge in these strange men and awkward dates every now and then, given they peak his interest, and Yunho's has dated since San. Yunho a lot of the time is genuinely interested in the beginning when he meets someone new, and he'll go through the motions of crushing on these guys and going out on dates with them and then dating them.

But the problem Yunho faces, or rather whoever he's dating faces is that they tend to invest all their time and effort in getting to know Yunho, giving the relationship 110%, whereas Yunho puts little to no effort into knowing them.

They're kind of blinded by his beauty, but then when they get together and start discovering the person inside they realise that Yunho doesn't have much else to give, or rather has nothing he wants to give.

All of the guys he's gone out with left him because he didn't reciprocate the same enthusiasm and energy into the relationship as they do, and they're usually pretty vocal in telling him just that.

One guy had once told Yunho:"I gave you my all, and you're giving me nothing, do you even care about me, about us?", Yunho knew he cared, he cared a lot, but this guy was right he was giving nothing back.

A part of Yunho is always holding out for San to just reappear in his life, and Yunho unconsciously doesn't want to completely give himself up and make an effort with another guy when there is still a slither of hope for San.

Henceforth Yunho will let these men go, set them free to find someone who can reciprocate the enthusiasm and feelings they feel. It saddens Yunho to have them leave, they always do, but he never feels the need to go after them, to win their hearts back, not when there is someone special he's waiting for, that will always own his heart even if they're not around.

Yunho in all honesty is afraid to be vulnerable, to let people see who he is, to show them the soft side of himself that he had only ever truly shared with San. Moving on so quickly was Yunho's way of coping with knowing that he didn't really want to share that side of himself with anyone but San.

So Yunho simply sweeps his fleeting relationships under the rug like they never happened and moves on with his life.

But maybe it's time he stops just going through the motions, stops giving up so easily on the people who want to give him their all. Maybe today, right here and now Yunho thought to himself, if he gave his 110% right from the beginning, then maybe the relationship would last, maybe it wouldn't fall apart.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now