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San had held tight to his macbook bag as if it were a safety barrier between himself and the harsh reality that was now his world. He tried to wash the thoughts that kept attacking his mind about Yunho and Jongho.

"Jongho is Yunho's fuck- . ." San shook his head, he didn't want to associate himself with those thoughts, they were horrifying. It was kind of like when you think of your grandma naked, except this situation was a hundred times more painful and just as, and maybe even more so disgusting. Yet all he did as he walked to his car was think of exactly that.

For starters Jongho was still his student. San hated that the kind boy he thought he knew from his class had been brought into his personal life in such a strange way, work life and private life should be kept separate. San had no idea how he was going to face him knowing that he was involved with his ex boyfriend. He even felt bad knowing he'd have to face Yeonjun as well, knowing what he knew.

Just how on earth had Yunho gotten himself involved with someone almost half his age? A swarm of unkind words swelled on San's lips and he squashed the need to say said words aloud.

Secondly Yunho had a wife and daughter, and they had looked so happy when he'd seen them on Sunday in the park. San felt terrible knowing that maybe one day she'd find out Yunho's dirty secret, and what appeared to be a happy marriage from San's point of view, would be crushed and their family broken. San felt betrayal on their behalf, he felt sorry for that girl and for their daughter.

Thirdly, putting thoughts of Jongho aside, although it hurt him right to his core, San had kind of felt a little proud inside at seeing Yunho in such a happy, warm state. It was hard to admit but deep down, in a tiny microscopic section of his heart, San was happy that Yunho had moved on, found someone to love him and started a family, he was happy that Yunho was happy, even if it made him sad. But any resolve that San had been growing was now gone now, he never thought Yunho, the sweet boy from his childhood and literal man of his dreams, would take such a ghastly and vile turn in life.

Lastly, a thought that really confused San, and befuddled him was what Yunho had meant when he had said that Jongho's father was "light" how would you know something like that unless you had met them in person?

Yunho's life seemed complicated and San wondered just how Yunho had ended up like that.

San sighed as he got to his car, putting his bag on the passenger seat and resting his head on his steering wheel.

San's mind was churning, his heart curdling. San took a couple deep breaths in and out and then sat up.

But as soon as he sat up he was mentally slapped in the face and he slid down in his seat and out of sight, for just outside his front window in their own car were Yunho and Jongho.

They were driving past him out of the car park and suddenly San had a terrible idea. A terrible idea that he probably shouldn't follow through with since he was finding it hard to look at the two but yet he still found himself following through with anyway.

San started to tail Yunho and Jongho.

San kept a comfortable distance allowing for a car in between his own and the one Yunho was driving.

He really shouldn't be following Yunho, but a part of him was desperate to know where they were going and what they were doing, he was desperate to know why?

Maybe he didn't want to know these answers, maybe he wasn't meant to, but that didn't stop San from putting his foot on the pedal to catch up and turning on his blinkers mirroring whatever Yunho did when he made a turn.

San just needed some sort of closure, even if the reality of the answers he finds might hurt.

They soon turned down a quiet street and Yunho and Jongho pulled into the driveway of a friendly looking home. Was that Yunho's home? The place he shared with his wife and daughter? Was this Yunho and Jongho's rendezvous?

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