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Now that the barman knew that San and Yunho were acquainted he didn't really give him a choice to leave him, the barman insisting he take him home or call him a cab. Because that's what friends do.

The barman gestured for San to move closer to his "Friend" and then walked off down the bar to attend to another customer.

San rolled his eyes as he sat on the stool next to Yunho. He hadn't been this close to Yunho in years and San hated that his heart was skipping a beat now as he looked at the ex love of his life under the dimly lit yellow lights of the bar.

San took a deep breath and then tapped Yunho's shoulder, calling his name directly to him for the first time in years. "Yunho?" he asked.

Yunho didn't move, so San gently nudged him again, and he swore that he felt some sort of electric form jump into his hand.

San sighed, if he was going to help Yunho get home he needed to know where he lived; if he couldn't tell him perhaps he'd have something in his wallet that could be a clue as to his home.

San pulled on Yunho's coat that he was wearing searching for said wallet but it was nowhere to be found. San cringed inwardly as he pulled the coat aside and cringing even harder when he noticed the outline of a wallet in Yunho's jean pocket.

San bit his lip and puffed through his nose as he pulled the wallet out of Yunho's pocket. San felt like someone was going to scold him for manhandling him.

"Ok Yun, where do you live?" San asked as he opened up his wallet.

A foul feeling formed in San's stomach as he saw the picture that was in his wallet. It was a picture of Yunho and his daughter. San felt ashamed for her. San felt another sigh leave his lips, as a small realisation dawned on him, giving him motivation to get Yunho home.

He would get Yunho home for his daughter. That is the reason he told himself that he would help.

With that resolve San flicked through the very few cards that Yunho had, a bank card, a business card for a diner, a diner that San very quickly realised was the same one he had gone to earlier that night, a health care card and ahh a drivers licence.

San quickly looked up the address on his phone, and San scoffed at how close Yunho lived to him, literally just on the other side of the park. The place he had followed Yunho and Jongho to was clearly not his house.

All feelings and events aside, San felt himself laugh hysterically at how close Yunho lived. He had returned home from Korea just to try and reconnect with Yunho and Yunho was nowhere to be found, but looking at the map Yunho was literally right under his nose this whole time.

San wondered what sort of person Yunho would portray himself to be if he had just gone up to Yunho and his family in the park, maybe he never would have seen and learnt all this horrible stuff he now knows . .maybe it would have been better that way?

San stood up, slapping his cheeks to hype himself, he was doing this for Yunho's daughter, not Yunho.

"Yunho" San called slapping firmly at Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho didn't move and San went to slap him again but then Yunho groaned and rolled, and even from the distance between them San could still smell the alcohol roll out of Yunho's mouth.

"Get up" San demanded "I'm taking you home", his voice was firm and cold, there were no signs of love or care at all.

Yunho's eyes didn't open. "D-do I KNow yOU?" Yunho asked, his voice coming out all slurred and pitchy.

"You don't need to know me, just get up. Now!"

Yunho stirred his eyes awake, his eyes adjusting as he realised someone was before him. Yunho's eyes travelled up to Sans.

San's heart stopped yet again, would Yunho recognise him? Judging from the glare he was now receiving it would appear not.

San was thankful for the poor lighting and that Yunho was so drunk that he didn't seem to recognise him.

San placed a hand under Yunho's arm pulling him upwards, and Yunho very stubbornly protested, but the alcohol made him weak, and even though he was strong, he wasn't strong enough and San was still able to overpower him.

Once Yunho was on his feet, San was daunted by just how tall Yunho was. Yunho was no longer the small boy from his childhood that he could scoop into his arms and carry like a jumbo sized teddy bear, but rather he was a giant, and he was as heavy as one too, San realised as Yunho's body slumped against him for support.

The barman gave San the thumbs up and San smiled through his pain.

San navigated himself and Yunho through the mass of people and out of the bar, thankful that Yunho was walking (although awkwardly), he didn't know what he'd do if Yunho was so unconscious that he couldn't stand on his two feet.

They moved slowly but eventually they got to the car. San constantly telling himself that this was for Yunho's daughters sake and not Yunho's.

San opened the passenger door and helped Yunho get inside, he protested a little but eventually he was all strapped in and the door was closed again.

San had just gotten into his side of the car and buckled himself in when there was a noise that cut through the air, and what followed that noise had San fighting the need to push Yunho out of his car and leave him in the car park to rot in his own filth.

Yunho vomited.

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