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This whole evening was so special to Jongho, not even his dads date crashing them and embarrassing him to death could ruin how he felt.

From the exchange of cards at school, to confessions and becoming boyfriends, to the movie they had seen, eating snacks, holding hands and feeding each other delicious apple pie in the bakery afterwards, it really was all perfect.

Yeonjun had always been sweet and kind but Jongho felt like that sweetness was turned up to the max tonight. Had Yeonjun always been this attentive and caring? Jongho felt like this side he was seeing to Yeonjun tonight was all new, but he loved it.

He loved that Yeonjun was making this whole experience a valentines to remember.

Jongho was so excited when they got to the park and Yeonjun began walking them towards the Neon light event. He had heard about the event prior to valentines but he never expected that he would actually get to go.

Jongho felt quite chummed with himself at all the photos they were taking. They'd obviously taken photos together countless times before, but all these photos were particularly special since they were taken with Yeonjun's not as just his best friend, but also his boyfriend.

They made their way through the neon signs, saving the biggest and best for last. Jongho had hoped that the long line for the wings might have gotten shorter by the time they got to it, but yet by the time they lined up it seemed to have grown twice as large.

They dropped their bags at their feet and Yeonjun went all quiet as they waited. Jongho pondered whether the boy was tired, as he was quiet tired himself.

Jongho tried to stifle his yawn, thankful that Yeonjun looked too distracted in his phone to notice, he didn't want it to look like he was bored because he had yawned.

An idea popped into his head, and he was feeling a lot more comfortable now in showing affection towards Yeonjun without shaking like a leaf.

Jongho stepped behind Yeonjun and then slowly looped his arms around the others waist, locking his hands over Yeonjun's stomach and burying his head in between Yeonjun's shoulder blades, at the base of his neck.

Despite it being cold outside, Yeonjun was warm like a heat pack. There were no words from Yeonjun to tell him to stop, so Jongho closed his eyes, smiling to himself as he took a moment of rest.

Jongho wasn't sure how long they stood like that but every now and then they'd shuffle forwards in the line and Jongho would simply hug the most important human in his life, his boyfriend.

They eventually got to the front of the line and Jongho was completely confused as to why Yeonjun wanted to stand next to him for this last photo since everyone else that had already gone simply just stood in the centre of the wings and pulled a cool or cute pose while whomever they were with took the photo, no one else had gone up as a group, even the pairs who were clearly couples went up individually, one partner taking the photo, the other the model in the photo.

But as Jongho walked up the steps and Yeonjun turned his body so they were facing each other, Jongho was suddenly understanding the cool idea that Yeonjun had come up with.

With their current position, facing each other, directly in the centre of the wings now it looked like they both had wings.

Yeonjun is so smart, Jongho thought to himself proudly.

The stranger taking their photo in front of the last neon sign yelled, telling them to get ready. Jongho wondered whether he should pull a pose or simply just look at Yeonjun.

"Just look at me" Yeonjun then said as if he had just read Jongho's mind.

"THREE!" the stranger began.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now