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Yunho and San parted when they were both 17.

San's father had taken on a deal and signed a partnership contract with a group that he believed would help the company he ran to prosper.

People bought shares and invested their money in the company in hopes of getting a good return on their investment.

Unfortunately it was a botch deal and the group caused the company to go bankrupt. The group somehow wiggled their way out of all the chaos, leaving San's father and the remaining company in deep debt.

Sans father owed a lot of people and investors a lot of money, and it was money that he just didn't have, and was struggling to even find.

The company sold almost everything they had left in order to stay afloat, but it was a dying cause. There was simply no hope that the company would ever get back on its feet and run smoothly again.

There was a constant threat from debt collectors that represented the many investors, that were persistently showing up to collect their money.

They didn't stop at showing up at just company doors but also employee's homes as well, which only made everything more stressful.

Employees were belittling San's father when he asked them for help to pay off debts, and leaving their jobs because they felt betrayed that he couldn't look after the company better.

San's parents had fought a lot during that time and San had spent even more time than ever hiding out next door with Yunho.

He wanted to avoid his parents angry shouts that always ended up in his father breaking things and his mother crying in tears. The type of arguments that always left San to try and collect and repair the broken pieces at the end of each night.

The year had ended in San's parents' divorce and San's mother's plan to take him away from the chaos, taking him back to Korea where she was originally from and where her parents still happily lived.

San's father had had a conversation with him before they left telling him that it was for the best, and that they were doing this so he wasn't weighed down with the company's debt and burdens, and so his life would be a free, safe and happy one.

San had begged to stay, his young naive mind didn't understand just what was happening at that point, and all he wanted to do was to stay with Yunho, and of course not see his parents split up, even though they already were.

San told Yunho everything and therefore Yunho knew all too well what was happening. Yunho had even hidden San in his room a day before their flight, planning to keep San in his house and by his side where he'd be safe.

Unfortunately that was a tragic plan since his parents knew exactly where to find him. They allowed San to stay one last night with Yunho and in the morning spoiled their ruse by coming to get San immediately.

San and his mother were saying their goodbyes to the Jung's on their door step, their flight to Korea only a couple of hours away.

Both boys had held onto each other tightly as they broke down in tears, exchanging innocent kisses that they didn't know would become their last.

They had promised to stay in touch, to call, to write and even emphasised they would come visit one another during their holidays. "Contact me once you are settled and we'll figure in all out ok Sanshine?" Yunho had said.

They believed their love was strong enough and although they hated the idea of being apart they knew that they could keep persisting with life knowing oneday they would reunite and be together once more.

They never broke up because they thought that what was happening was only temporary, a couple months or year at the most, and that with the passing of time that everything would go back to normal.

Unfortunately it was not temporary and things did not go back to normal.

San and his mother, their lives packed into a suitcase each, moved to Korea to a small remote fishing town where his grandparents lived.

The town had absolutely no cell reception, which meant no internet either.

San soon learnt that he wasn't able to write either since the letter could be traced back. His mother really didn't know what lengths the debt collectors would go to get their money and had stopped San in his tracks for his own good in posting the many letters he had wrote. The collectors were meticulous and their methods of collecting borderline savage, San's mother was purely doing it to keep him safe.

So in a flash San and Yunho had been torn apart, and undoubtedly over time fallen out with each other.

Although San had moved on, he had never forgotten Yunho.

Yunho was the one that got away. But he was also the main reason why San had returned.

San prayed that one day they'd find each other again.

One day. . .

A/n There'll be one more chapter today. Originally I put them both in the same chapter, but then I decided it would be better if I split them! So stick around for the next bit!!

Lorri xx

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