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Yunho bit his lip, his eyes falling to his coffee cup which sat motionless and empty on the table before him.

Like always he was always thinking of San, even when he was trying to make a solid effort not to. Talking about San and things that reminded him of San just came so naturally into his mind and out of his lips.

He should have kept everything about San to himself, or at the least, mentioned him once, like a normal person talking about a friend and then moved on in conversation, but no, he had to keep talking and ruin things.

Doyoung went to grab his bag from the floor but the words that fell from Yunho's lips stopped him in his place.

"He's gone"

Doyoung's head flicked to Yunho, his eyes flitting between each of Yunho's, which suddenly to Doyoung seemed very empty and sad.

"Gone?" Doyoung asked cautiously "Is he . . dead?"

In all honesty it kind of felt like San was dead. . .for all he knew San could be . .Yunho shook his head at the stark, horrid thought that had just flitted through his mind. Yunho exhaled in a quick huff from his nose and shook his head "No. He's just gone"

"Where did he go?"


"Will he come back?"

"I don't know"

"Can't you ask him?"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Because he's gone"

Doyoung hesitantly sat back down, curiosity getting the better of him, the need to know more itching at his mind.

"Just who is this San guy to you? And be honest, please, he's a lot more than just a friend isn't he?" Doyoung probed.

Yunho took a deep breath, feeling bad that he'd put Doyoung, a kind stranger he had only just met, in this confused position and also feeling bad because he had the sudden need to vent everything to Doyoung.

Yunho looked up from his cup "He was my boyfriend" he said softly after a small breath

"What happened? Did you guys break up?" Doyoung asked curiously

"Not technically, but in a way yes"

Doyoung furrowed his brows at Yunho's strange response.

Seeing the confused expression on Doyoung's face Yunho continued.

He told Doyoung about San, touching on key moments rather than bore Doyoung with the nitty gritty. He told him how San was his neighbour, how they were best friends, how they fell for each other, how he was his first love, and then how San was ripped from his life never to be seen again.

"He really is just gone" Doyoung said, mirroring Yunho's earlier words after he was finished. Doyoung was actually quite intrigued and saddened by Yunho's story, hence why he didn't leave, and let Yunho talk.

Yunho nodded, his face sullen. San was such a huge part of his life, he always has been and maybe he always will be. It felt weird to tell his whole life story to a man he'd only just met, but Yunho also felt comforted that Doyoung had stayed, that he had listened, and a small weight of the feelings he held were lifted from his shoulders.

Doyoung placed a comforting hand over Yunho's which was restimg on the table. "There's really no way of contacting him?"

Yunho shook his head "I've tried, but nothing has worked, obviously. And it's been so long now he probably has a life, a family of his own, he's probably happy off doing whatever it is in his life that makes him happy. I should really move on . . and dear god I'm so sorry to put all this on you, I've practically dumped my whole life story in your lap when instead I should be focusing on you"

Yunho sighed and tried to pull his hand out of Doyoung's to cover his face in embarrassment, but Doyoung held on. Yunho eyed the hand holding his curiously.

"Let's go on another date"

"Hmm?" Yunho said looking up from their hands to Doyoung's face.

"Like I said before you seem like a nice guy, and you intrigue me Yunho" Doyoung smiled and squeezed Yunho's hand "I'm a big believer in second chances and I think maybe you deserve a second chance"

"Really?" Yunho couldn't quite believe that Doyoung was offering him another chance.

"Yes really. Maybe we could go out on Wednesday? And if things go well on Wednesday then we can try for Valentines?"

A smile spread across Yunho's face and he found himself suddenly returning the hold Doyoung had on his hand with a light squeeze

"Just this time don't talk so much about the past ok? Let's talk about the now and the future to come. Sound like a plan?" Doyoung asked with hopeful eyes and a soft touch of his thumb on the back of Yunho's hand

"Sounds like a plan!" Yunho repeated, his heart content and happy.

The pair started talking about random things again, Yunho making a solid effort to avoid thoughts and conversation about San.

Eventually Doyoung had to legitimately leave and the pair exchanged numbers, planning to meet up at the cinema for a laid back movie date on Wednesday evening.

After Doyoung was gone Yunho made a promise to himself that he would move on, whether it be with Doyoung or someone else. It was time he stopped dwelling on the past and took a step into a happy future.

Goodbye San and Hello to the future

A/n heheheh( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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