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Yunho was hyping himself all day for his date with Doyoung, San surprisingly barely appearing in his mind.

He'd been at work all day running the floor of the bistro diner he worked at, taking orders and then delivering them out to waiting customers, occasionally helping in the kitchen when needed. His mind was well and truly distracted.

Dahyun had called during Yunho's lunch break curious to know whether Yunho had talked anymore with Doyoung since Sunday. Yunho explained that they had messaged each other briefly but just to confirm the time and meeting place.

She knew that Yunho and Doyoung were going out tonight and she put her 110% in to hype him up.

Dahyun is one of the few people in Yunho's life who never really grasped how and why Yunho could love San for so long. She'd obviously never met San since she met Yunho at university, so she missed that whole relationship evolve, flourish and then come to an abrupt end.

She only saw the aftermath, and she forever wondered how it was that this boy that apparently loved him so much and that Yunho loved just as equally in return could just leave and never say anything. If San loved him just as much as Yunho said he did then why didn't he call or write, or at least give Yunho the common decency of breaking up with him even if it were over text, and not leaving him hanging.

Dahyun was very pro moving on, even if she didn't push the idea of dating other guys onto Yunho (until now).

Dahyun's excitement over the phone got Yunho even more pumped. They talked about what Yunho planned to wear, and Dahyun emphasised that he should dress nicely, casual but not so casual that it looked like he was putting in zero effort, and they talked about the plan of attack for the night; movies, dinner plans, and most importantly if Yunho was going to kiss Doyoung goodnight.

Yunho blushed when Dahyun had brought up the topic of kissing, thankful that she couldn't see him blush because it was just a phone call.

He had told her that if the date went well, a kiss goodnight wasn't necessarily off the table. Yunho wasn't going to push his luck if Doyoung wasn't keen, but if his was, then he didn't see why not.

Dahyun and Yunho had ended their phone call in fits of laughter. Dahyun had gotten Nari on the phone and encouraged her to wish Yunho "Good luck" but instead of Luck she had said Duck instead. Yunho practically broke down in cuteness as her small voice sounded in his ear and he hung up the phone.

The rest of the afternoon ticked by in a flash Yunho constantly smiled to himself at the thought of his date, so much so that his work friends started to question why he was so bubbly, even more so than usual, and when they asked he simply said that he had a date.

When his shift had finally ended Yunho zoomed straight home, he had just under 2 hours until he was expected to be at the cinemas for his date and he spent that whole 2 hours getting ready. He was thankful that none of his housemates were home as it meant he had the bathroom to himself.

It had been a long while since he had gone out with someone, but that didn't mean that he'd forgotten the drill.

He showered, brushed and flossed his teeth, he brushed his hair neatly and put on some some nice cologne. He then spent a while milling in his cupboard for an outfit that looked both neat and casual, but not too casual like Dahyun had said.

He settled on a dark blue pair of skinny jeans, a simple black shirt and white sneakers and a long coat for when it got cooler later.

Just as he was finishing up, grabbing his house keys, phone and wallet almost ready to leave, one of his housemates Chanyeol and his boyfriend Baekhyun entered the house both boys wolf whistling him because he looked good, they wished him well since they knew he had a date and then Yunho was off.

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