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San couldn't wipe the smile from his face, not that he wanted to, that smile was permanently etched there forever now.

San had a strong concept of family, he had his mother, his grandparents and his mostly absent from his life father, and they all loved him nevertheless, but never in his whole life had he felt this loved and welcomed, never had he felt such a strong sense of unity in family.

Yunho's whole family treated him as if he were family, nobody was shy, everyone was cracking jokes, everything was calm even when the room erupted into chaos because someone said or did something that made the others laugh.

San hadn't just found Yunho, he'd found a family, he'd found a group of genuine people who he knew would have his back.

It still amazed San that Yunho's family were so supportive, they had each gone through their own trials and tribulations and that had built them into the welcoming characters they are today.

They didn't question San's place in their family unit, San obviously knew their names and little things here and there about them but in a way they were all just acquaintances and even more so because they hadn't seen each other in years.

San felt like he was truly home as he and Yunho sat at the head of the table, glasses held high, making a toast about love and being loved.

The whole meal Yunho prepared was perfect, he'd really outdone himself, and San couldn't help but chuckle along with everyone else as Yeosang had called Yunho the perfect housewife and Yunho had argued back talking about dominos and churos which only made everyone laugh harder.

When the meal was over San didn't even feel the need to protest when Mingi had suggested they put on some "Music we can dance to!", and then everyone begun rearranging the furniture in his house to make space for a place to dance.

Jongho and Yeonjun helped set up San's speaker and connect it to a family playlist they had, a family playlist that San was given the honour of having the password for.

Yeosang had pulled out his camera and was very quickly taking photos of the night.

San had no idea where they had come from but there was also a disco ball that was now connected to his ceiling fan and a set of those cool flashing lights that spun around on their little units filling the house with colour, and glow sticks to which everyone of all ages went crazy for.

The lights were dimmed to add to the atmosphere and just like that everyone was bobbing away, being silly, having fun, dancing their hearts out.

They danced for who knows how long, everyone dancing with each other; twirling, spinning. San had even found himself dancing with Nari at one point, swinging the small girl in the air just like he had watched Yunho do on Sunday in the park.

Eventually though the songs moved to slower songs and everyone found themselves in the arms of their significant other.

San blushed as Yunho and himself found their way to each other, and San was sure he was bright red like a tomato as Yunho spun him outwards before pulling him back in and holding him close in his embrace.

Everyone and their respective partners were looking at each other, but they were also still watching Yunho and San out the corner of their eye who were still the centre of the show.

It was almost like they'd gotten married and this was the reception afterwards.

Yunho's hands were clasped over the small of San's back, while San's arms were wrapped comfortably around the tallers neck and the pair swayed, stepping back and forth in small movements as they danced in tune to "Star 1117" a song produced by Yunho's cousin Hongjoong.

"You having fun Sanshine?" Yunho asked in a soft voice only loud enough for the pair of them to hear.

"I am Yun, are you?"

Yunho nodded "I told you, you had nothing to worry about, everyone loves you, but not as much as I love you"

San swooned, shifting his arms so he could cuddle up against Yunho's body. "I love you too Yun"



Yunho lent close to San's ear, his breath tickling his skin and his voice almost a whisper, if Yunho lips hadn't been so close San would not have heard Yunho's next words.

"Marry me Sanshine"

San shot back to look Yunho in the eye, he knew what he'd heard, but he couldn't help but become speechless and need to look into the tallers eyes just to double check.

"Marry me" Yunho mouthed softly and quietly.

Everyone else was surprisingly none the wiser as to what was happening.

San felt his cheek's grow hot and his lip quivered as he looked between Yunho's eyes. His heart raced so fast and his eyes filled to the brim with tears of joy.

San put his hand on Yunho's cheek "Yes" he said quietly.

Tears of joy grew in Yunho's eyes too and the taller lent down pressing a loving kiss against his lips.

The room began to spin as Yunho picked him up off the floor, twirling him around, gaining some cooing and wolf whistling from Yunho's family, their family, and San held tightly to Yunho burying his face in Yunho's bright blue hair.

Yunho was his whole universe, and San felt at home knowing he were the brightest star in all his galaxies.

~ FIN ~

A/n Wow, so its really over now guys :(

I've really fallen in love with this little world I've created and it still amazes me at just how much myself and all you lovely readers have grown to love this series.

When I first started writing Apartment 22 I never expected to end up writing a second and now a third book, but tbh they wouldn't have existed without all your support!

Thank you for all your patience, as we all probably know sometimes not everything goes to plan, and although it took me way longer than expected to finish this book, I'm just proud that I was able to complete it in the end because sometimes it was hard for me to keep going.

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments, for all your stars I really appreciate it, and thank you to all my friends on amino, insta and twitter you guys help me immensely. Especially my lil Holy Trinity Crew on amino, you two are the best!!!

I may write some short mini stories for this series in the future, but for now it is time to say farewell.

I have some new stories that I currently have very vague drafts for so hopefully once I get those in order you'll be seeing more from me soon.

Until then, Thank you!!

Have a lovely day or night where ever you are! 

Love always,

Lorri xx

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