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After San had left Yunho, the love of his now empty and lonely life, he felt dead inside, like he had been stabbed and all he wanted to do was to cry.

He had almost cried on the walk back home, but he held it all in, he didn't want someone to see him and embarrass himself. He was a grown man, he should try and act like one, and not like the fragile timid boy he had now become.

He held Shiber's lead tightly and blasted his music in his ears trying to shatter the thoughts of Yunho that fizzed and bubbled in his mind with sound: from the way Yunho had smiled and the cherished way his family had smiled back at him to the way he was dressed and the confident aura he gave off, all of it.

He made a quick detour on the way back, and like a typical cliché fragile girl from a romance film in a similar position to himself, he went to the supermarket and bought himself a tub of ice cream.

Unfortunately like those cliché girls he didn't have anyone he could call to cry with and eat ice cream with for support, so he picked up some special dog treats so he could cry with Shiber instead.

Shiber seemed to sense San's sadness and could be heard whimpering and whining even before San stepped out of the supermarket doors, which was strange because Shiber in the whole short time San had owned him had never whined like this.

Shiber continued his puppy cries the whole walk home.

Back at home San fumbled with his lock, frustrated that he couldn't get the damm key in its key hole, and then when he finally did, that the door got caught in its frame.

San whacked the door in frustration. Looked at Shiber. Took a deep breath and tried again.

The door clicked open and San quickly unleashed Shiber whom had finally quietened down, then dumped his ice cream in the freezer and made his way straight to his bathroom to shower.

All he wanted to do was collapse, but he had to get out of his sweaty jogging clothes first.

San turned the handle for water, flinching only a little as the cold water hit him full force in the face and trickled down his bare back. The water soon heated up and San simply just stood, completely forgetting that you were actually meant to wash when you entered the shower, not stare at the wall.

Satisfied that he was somewhat cleaner then what he had been when he got home, he darted to his room, put on a comfy hoodie and tracksuit pants and then retrieved his ice cream and headed to his lounge room.

His house was still pretty bare since he hadn't been living in it that long.

He had the basic necessities, pretty much everything you need to live, as well as his clothes and a couple of important personal items he had brought with him when he had returned from Korea.

Other than that though there were barely any signs of his personality. No pictures, ornaments, not even a homely smell, nothing.

San curled up in the centre of the couch, ice cream in hand. He summoned Shiber over with the dog treat he had bought along with his ice cream earlier, motioning the dog to sit beside him on the couch.

San flicked on the tv, perusing his streaming channels before finally settling on a movie perfect for his mood.

The Notebook.

He'd seen The Notebook before, he knew that just like himself the lead's would have an adventurous life but their happiness would eventually come to an end.

Completely disregarding the very little plans he had, San pressed play on the TV remote, and it was only then that San finally let the tears he had been holding fall both warming his cheeks and chilling his soul at the same time.

San didn't quite understand why Yunho affected him so much, why he had these feelings of complete utter sadness and a hint of jealousy.

Was it wrong to think that Yunho would have waited all this time for him? Was it wrong that he himself in a way had waited for Yunho all this time? Why would he when San himself never even contacted him to say hello or even goodbye?

He hadn't seen Yunho in 9 years, did he really expect him to wait for him to come back? Yunho had clearly moved on in his life and San felt like he should feel happy. . But still he couldn't help but feel sad.

San wasn't sure, so for the whole of Sunday he cried, he watched sad romantic movies and hugged Shiber until Shiber had had enough of him and wriggled to sit on the floor.

He cried so much that by the time his phone alarm went off on the coffee table in front of the couch he had fallen asleep on, signalling that it was Monday morning and the start of the school week, San simply had no more tears left to cry and his eyes were dry.

Just because San couldn't cry though it didn't mean that he was no longer upset. It was like a strange wound had opened and San had no idea how to fix it.

San was sad, and right now his sadness seemed endless, like the ocean he could neither find the beginning nor end.

He was drifting.

He was drowning.

A/n bit of a filler, hope you enjoyed it!!

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