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Yunho felt dizzy watching Jongho's head dart back and forth between the himself and San, it was as if Jongho's head had suddenly become a ball hopping between two pegs in a pinball machine.

"Mr. Choi was who you hit with your car?" Jongho said finally.


"And Mr. Choi is Sanshine? Like Your Sanshine? Like the guy you've loved since forever Sanshine?"

Yunho bobbed his head up and down happily.

"Mr. Choi . . you're . .Sanshine?" Yeonjun queried.

San bobbed his head like Yunho had done, and smiled revealing his dimples.

"Holy shit" Jongho said, forgetting and not really caring for the fact that San was still his teacher and that he probably shouldn't be swearing so openly in front of him.

Thankfully his language didn't matter to San either as he returned Jongho's words with "Holy Shit indeed".

"Well makes sense now why you were asking such sketchy questions in class about Yunho after my presentation. Why didn't you say something? Clearly you recognised yourself from the photos?"

"Jongho, you do realise that other then you and Yeonjun that the rest of our homeroom class would go absolutely ape-shit if they knew I was the same Sanshine from your poster after that presentation you gave. As much as I would have loved to confess right then and there that I was the same San a part of me knew that if I said something the class would probably never live it down and we'd never get anything done, that and I don't think I was quite capable of speech until only moments ago"

Jongho hummed in understanding, he knew what their class was like, it would become school gossip and as much as the whole situation was a positive thing, who knows what the class would do with the seed of information that one of Jongho's family members was hopelessly in love with his homeroom teacher. They may find out over time, but they didn't need to find out now.

"Jongho" Yunho said grabbing the younger's attention and looking him directly in the eyes "You do know that I'm going to murder you later for not telling me your teacher was Sanshine" Yunho crossed his arms and put his foot down.

Jongho raised his shoulders and pulled a face of innoscense. "How was I supposed to know that Mr. Choi was Sanshine? And also, well why didn't Mr. Choi recognise me?" Jongho looked at San "Did you not remember me?"

San adverted his gaze and Yunho jumped in defending him.

"Jongho, San knew you for like two seconds when you were a barely a child, its completely understandable that he didn't recognise you, you're all grown up now. But you should have made the connection, I've said his name countless times did nothing click in your mind?"

"Choi is a common last name, Yeonjun's last name is Choi" Jongho said as he placed his hand on Yeonjun's back making the other blush "I just thought it was a coincidence, even your dad said it was probably a coincidence when we went to your dad's place on Tuesday"

"Well it's not a coincidence! You should have said something sooner! Even if you weren't 100% sure you still could have mentioned that your teacher and San had the same name" Yunho finished, mirroring one of the thought's he had had earlier.

"For the record I only started teaching at KQ this year" San said defending Jongho much to Yunho's surprise "We've only just begun this term . .he may have mentioned it eventually"

"B-but I could have found you sooner" Yunho pouted.

"Like you said, Jongho was barely a child when I knew him, he was like 5, and Choi is a common last name Yeonjun is perfect example of that so it could have been coincidence"

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now