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Yunho placed his hands on San's cheeks wiping away the rain from San's face that he was sure were now heavily blended with salty tears much like his own.

San's lip quivered, and he was clearly struggling to look Yunho in the eye. Yunho felt like his whole world had stopped and would stay completely still until San was smiling again.

It was clear that San still cared, their kiss before gave Yunho the clarity he needed. Yunho was so happy and thankful that after all this time San clearly still cared for him.

But why was San so upset? Shouldn't he be happy that they'd found each other again? Why was he calling himself an idiot?

Yunho looped his arms around San's waist locking them behind the smallers back, pulling him close for a quick hug and showing him that he was ready to hear whatever it was San had to say, to speak the words when he was ready that would make him understand why he was acting the way he was.

Yunho then stood back, giving San room to speak but all San could do was open and close his mouth like fish, clearly still struggling to get the words out.

"Tell me Sanshine. Make me understand. Because to me you could never be an.." Yunho paused not liking the use of the word he was about to say "...Idiot. Never"

San's eyes slowly looked upwards from where they had dropped elsewhere, he took a deep breath and looked deep into Yunho's eyes, eating away at Yunho's soul with a simple gaze.

"It all started on Sunday" San began.

"Sunday?" What happened on Sunday?

San scratched his head and continued "Sunday when I saw you in the park with a woman and a young girl"

Yunho thought in his mind did San mean when he was in the park with Dahyun and Nari?

"Sunday morning? With the woman and the girl in the yellow dress"

San nodded "You all looked so happy like a little family, and the way you were throwing that girl in the air and the way that woman stroked your face before you stood up, the whole little set up you had with the picnic blanket . .I thought that was your wife and daughter"

Yunho shook his head immediately with a little laugh, a laugh that was short lived because San was clearly still distressed.

"That girl you saw was Dahyun my best friend from uni and that was her daughter, who is my god daughter Nari. Dahyun knew that I always got a little depressed when valentines came around because the holiday reminded me of you, so she had set this whole little morning up and so we could find ourselves a date. Dahyun had picked some random guy with a shiba dog out in the park and she was wiping foam from my face so I didn't look weird when I approached" Yunho said with a smile.

"You're not an idiot for mistaking the situation" Yunho emphasised.

San sighed heavily "That was only the beginning and uggghhh, if I had just walked up to you when I saw you or just stayed put everything would have been fine. I think your friend pointed out me . .I have a shiba dog"

"Oh my god?! Really?! San you should have stayed still I was coming to see you! When I stood up the person who Dahyun picked out was walking off so I ended up going to some other guy she picked. Oh Sanshine" Yunho finished, stroking San's cheeks with his thumbs before sitting his hands on San's shoulders.

Yunho had hoped that that would clear everything up but still San's face remained upset.

"Is there more?" Yunho prompted. Yunho's heart sank when San nodded.

"I saw you for a second time when you were picking up Jongho on Tuesday and . . I made another mistake"

"You were here on Tuesday too? Wait actually why are you here? Are you meant to be picking someone up?" Yunho asked straying a little from whatever San was about to say.

San shook his head and gave Yunho a small wry smile. "I work here, I'm actually Jongho's homeroom teacher"

"You're what?!" Yunho suddenly glared in the direction of his car where Jongho and Yeonjun still were, Yunho suddenly wondered whether they'd seen them. The little undercover section they were standing under was quite the ways away from the car they were probably wondering where he went, Yunho hoped that maybe they were thinking that he was just attending to the person, aka San, to whom he had hit with his car.

That though, was the least of his worries.

What was important right now is that if San was Jongho's teacher then why hadn't Jongho told him? Did he not realise that his teacher was Sanshine? He'd said his name countless times. Even if the younger wasn't 100% sure he still could have mentioned that his teacher and San had the same name.

"Ok so you saw me come pick Jong up, what mistake did you make there?" Yunho asked getting back on topic.

San was chewing on his lip so hard it looked like he was going to gnaw a hole in it.

"I overheard you talking with Jongho in the hallway, and Jongho called you his sugar daddy and I . ."

"You thought Jongho was my . .sugar baby?"

San nodded.

"Ugh gross San" Yunho shivered he felt bad that San had thought that and also revolted by the thought. "You should have realised that when you saw us together that we were related. You know Jong, San, he wasn't that young when you left. And for the record Jongho does call me his 'sugar daddy' but just to piss me off, he's been doing it for years, if you had of stuck around he probably would have called you one too"

San looked down at his hands "I'm so stupid for not realising sooner because maybe if I had of realised then I wouldn't had made everything so much more worse for myself"

"It gets worse??" Yunho squeaked with worry.

San had clearly dug himself into a deep well of misunderstandings, he was practically drowning himself.

"I followed you to wherever you went with Jongho. I just needed some sort of clarity and I thought that maybe if I followed you I could make more sense of the situation, but . .but when you arrived you opened the door and closed the door and I panicked because I thought maybe your wife was home but then the door was opening up again and both of you went in and I thought that maybe you had another sugar baby waiting for you. I stayed so long waiting outside while you were in that house thinking the worst. When you both finally came out, it was dark and I swear Jongho was holding some form of payment envelope and I was so very sure you k-kissed him in your car. Explain all that to me Yun"

"Dammit San, you really thought and did all that? That house is my dad's house, I opened the door only to close it again because my dad's were doing something no son needs to see, and I didn't want Jongho to see either so I closed the door. When the door opened again my dad's were decent." Yunho squirmed from the memory.

"That envelope you saw was the one that had pictures of us in it, I took Jong to my dad's place so we could get pictures for an assignment about love which I'm guessing you set him since you're his homeroom teacher. When you saw Jong and I in the car that must have been when Jong got his stupid seat belt stuck on safety mode and I had to fix it for him. Is that all??" Yunho asked finally hoping that now everything would be cleared up.

From the face San had their clearly was more.

Yunho felt like he was drowning too.

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