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"Really?" Yunho felt himself say with a gasp "That surprises me that you never dated anyone, you're gorgeous, you must have had men begging at your feet".

San blew on his nails, a hint of sass to his demeanour "None of them were good enough"

Yunho chuckled at how San hadn't even flinched when he had called him gorgeous, and how sassy he had been just now. "I'm glad" Yunho smiled as he finished the last of the food on his plate.

Yunho knew deep down San was upset because he'd missed a lot of his life, but Yunho hoped he was ok with how it was now. In particular he hoped San would be ok with Dahyun and Nari because out of all the non family members he knew Dahyun and her daughter were the closet to him. Yunho hoped that San wouldn't feel intimidated by her presence in his life. He also on the other hand hoped Dahyun would accept San to, Yunho knew that Dahyun was wary of San even despite never meeting him.

San finished his plate too and after popping their plates in the dishwasher the pair went and sat crossed legged at each end of San's couch facing each other. Shiber laying on the floor between them and Kuma on San's coffee table.

San sat comfortably but Yunho was a little big to be sitting side ways.

As if noticing Yunho's slight uncomfortableness San spoke up. "Stretch your legs Yun"

San then taped the space beside his body and Yunho hesitantly stretched his legs so his feet were buried against San's side on the couch.

Once they were comfortable they got to talking again about the time that had passed.

Questions began to spill out of Yunho's slips all in one big messy heap "So when did you come back? Where did you go after you left? Why did you never contact me? How's your family? . .Actually is it safe for you to be back now?".

It was suddenly sinking in again just now the reason why San had left in the first place, was the whole issue with his father's company taken care of now?

Yunho watched as San pulled on the cuff of his jumper before resting a hand on Yunho's leg. Yunho felt a little calmer with that contact.

San smiled awkwardly "Let's start from the start ok?"

Yunho nodded, gesturing with his hand to show he was ready to listen.

"When I left you, I'm sure as you probably thought, that it was going to be a temporary thing, maybe a year. I thought I'd be back sooner as well. But when Mum and I got to Korea it kind of sunk in just how serious the situation was. Mum was upset about splitting up with dad, she was angry and upset with him but she still cared and in time I learnt that their break up was a way to protect me."

"We moved to a small fishing village in the middle of nowhere where mum's parents live, and we started using mum's family name instead of Dads so we could disappear easier. There were plenty of times that I tried to contact you, but mum really wasn't sure how far the debt collectors would go to get their money for the investors they represented, also cell reception was absolutely crap. So I wasn't able to contact you just in case they tracked any calls that did go through or even my letters that I wanted to send. In a way mum was keeping you safe too"

"You wrote me letters?"

San nodded shyly "I did. There somewhere in those boxes over there" San said pointing at the boxes up against his wall. "I'll find them and show you one day"

"I look forward to reading them"

"You know, it was hard for so long because all I wanted to do was call and see you, but mum wouldn't let me. I can see now that she was just doing it to protect me, but it still hurt and I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to contact you"

Yunho shook his head, beckoning San over for a hug, he could see tears forming in his beautiful hazel eyes and that in succession was making Yunho upset too.

San crawled over a buried himself in Yunho's arms and Yunho hugged him so tightly in return.

"It was hard for me too, not hearing from you, or having any way to contact you, but I understand, so don't blame yourself ok? I'd rather you be safe then put you in harm's way" Yunho pressed a kiss in San's hair. "So it's definitely safe for you to be back now?"

San nodded, not bothering to lift his head, so as he nodded his cheek rubbed against Yunho's chest. San wriggled so he was now comfortably laying on Yunho before speaking again.

"It's safe. About two years ago mum and I received a letter from dad saying that everything was sorted and he apologised for ruining our lives and that if we were to return that we would be safe"

Yunho ran his fingers gracefully up and down San's back, "If it were safe two years ago why didn't you return sooner?"

San sat up from where he was lying on Yunho's chest to sit comfortably nestled between Yunho's legs facing the taller.

"I needed money Yun, I couldn't simply just pack up and leave, I couldn't afford to, plus I couldn't just leave mum, she still needed me"

Yunho nodded and placed a hand on San's knee, giving a small squeeze in understanding. Packing up and moving your whole life from one country to another took a lot of effort, it was all a matter of time, money and stability.

"Is she well? Your mum"

San nodded "She is, she works with my grandparents to run a little bbq joint, nothing to special, but she's happy and that's what matters most"

Yunho nodded, "How about your father? Have you seen him? Do you even know where he is?"

"He's . . around I guess. He calls every now and then to check in. He always tells me he's proud of me and that he's sorry. I let him know that I was back and he said we should catch up when I'm ready, but I still have contacted him again yet. He's my dad, and I'll always love him, but there's distance between us, which I'm sure with time can be mended"

Yunho took San's hands in his own. "Does he still talk with your mum?"

"He did while I was still with mum, I'm not sure now though. Although it makes mum upset when she talks about dad, I hope that one day they might be able to make each other happy again. That's up to them though"

Yunho stroked San's hand with his thumb and San squeezed Yunho's hand tighter "If you ever want to see your dad and you need some extra support you can always bring me along. I can sit next to you, on another table or a street away, but if you want me there I'm here"

"Thank you" San smiled wistfully.

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