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The sun rose a little higher in the sky making for an excellent continued beginning of a beautiful day.

Jongho pulled down a wide street lined with palms, tropical plants and homes that had a summery beach vibe to them, Yunho and San's house situated about halfway down the street just before it bends. 

Yunho and San's place was a modest single story dwelling with a spacious drive way to the left and a large frangipani tree on the right, and in between was an artsy sort of scattered stone path that led to the front door.

As Jongho pulled closer to the house he could see his parents car already sitting in the driveway beside his grandparents, and Wooyoung's and Yeosang's car sitting on the kerb out front. Jongho could also see a flash little land rover he recognised as Yunho's close friend Dahyun's, as well as a few other cars closely packed along the lining of the street likely attending the party as well.

Upon finding a parking spot across the street Jongho enthusiastically flung himself out the driver's door. The last time the family had all been in the same spot all at the same time was Christmas the previous year which was held at Wooyoung and Yeosang's place. So Jongho was excited with the thought that he was about to see his family together again.

Jongho stretched his arms above his head really taking the fresh ocean air for a moment. The combination of warmth from the sun on his face along with the slight taste the salt on his tongue was simply enough to have Jongho beaming.

"Home" Jongho said softly. Sure this may be Yunho and San's home, but his whole family were here, only a matter of a couple of steps away, and that in itself felt like home.

Jongho looked to where he thought Yeonjun would be only to find the boy hadn't left the car yet.

Jongho bobbed down to look back through the door he'd left wide open and narrowed his eyes as he took in his boyfriend.

Yeonjun looked kind of. . .tense? His shoulders seemed tight and his expression kind of blank as if he was thinking about something and was lost in his mind. Perhaps the long drive had worn him out.

"You good?" Jongho questioned light-heartedly.

Yeonjun smiled and un-clicked his belt, "Mmm, of course"

Before Jongho could press him for why he seemed the way he was Yeonjun leapt out of the car just like he had only seconds ago. A smile stretched on Yeonjun's lips and his usual disposition returned in a snap.

"Shall we get the twins presents and head in love?" Yeonjun said with his usual lively spirit.

Jongho nodded his head, ignoring that little lapse he'd just witnessed. He waited as Yeonjun went round and popped the boot, pulling out the purple gift bag before closing it again and reaching out his hand.

Jongho promptly locked the car and took Yeonjun's hand with a small squeeze as they crossed the road.

There were an array of balloons tied to the mailbox and Jongho couldn't help but poke them on the way past with his free hand. What he didn't anticipate was for the balloon to pop as it hit the corner of the mailbox, scaring the living daylights out of the pair.

Lucky no children were playing out front because they would have just learnt a new word from both boys just now. 

Unfortunately though someone else was lurking.

"Jongho!! You're two steps in and already wrecking the place!!. . .Just like me" a voice chuckled.

Jongho's head swished about locating the voice immediately. "Wooyoung!!" he yelped as soon as he spotted his granduncle coming from round the side of the house brushing his hands on his pants. The man may have been 70 but he still had class to him choosing to dress in chinos, a polo shirt and boat shoes, his circle frames perched on his nose no longer for fashion aesthetics but because he actually needed them to see.

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