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It was finally Friday, Valentine's day, and it was pouring down rain.

San found it rather fitting since he was still feeling rather depressed himself over Yunho. The thunder in the sky matched perfectly with the hurt pounding in his heart.

The whole notion of valentine's day was still tearing his heart up inside and just like he has been all week, he's been quite against the celebrations, but because everyone else was so happy he'd done his best to put on a brave face.

Unfortunately his happy bubbly facade had its flaws and today of all days teachers and students around him picked up on his broody mood. Thankfully though they tied it down to the fact that San didn't have a date, not that the ex love of his life had broken, crushed and pierced him to death and left him so battered it was a wonder he was still breathing.

The valentine's day assembly was cute and he could see that the students and staff had put a lot of effort into running it, with all its songs, speeches and selection of love letters from secret admirers, but it didn't mean that he cared.

Hence why he only stayed for about half of it before leaving to return back to his office. Thankfully students were dismissed straight to morning tea from the assembly so San didn't have to worry about returning to pick them up.

The Public Displays of Affection were immense and intense as students showered each other in love. San felt a bit like a grinch every time he broke canoodling students apart or told students to save their love letters and professions till lunch time or after school, or when he found heart chocolates and teddy bears from secret admirers on his desk and all he could think to do was jam them in his draw so he didn't have to look at them.

Who knew valentines could be the shittiest day of the year?

"2 more hours" San told himself as he walked into his homeroom classroom just as lunch was ending and 5th period was about to begin. 2 more hours and the day would be over, he could go home and forget this day ever existed until it rolled around next year.

There wasn't much to set up since this class was just the presentation of his students posters on types of love.

San dragged his chair to the rear side of the room so he could watch when his students spoke and pushed his door wide open so students could enter once they arrived.

The last song for valentines week played over the speakers. San snorted, the school should be thanking him that he hadn't ripped the whole speaker system out of the wall by now.

Low and behold Yeonjun and Jongho appeared first cheery and as bubbly as ever, saying hello and wishing their teacher a happy valentines.

San struggled to formulate his words barely squeezing out a small hello and thank you.

Jongho was the last person he wanted to see on the treacherous day, and although it was really unprofessional of him he rightly ignored the boy.

Once all the students were in the room San clapped to grab their attention, while still remaining in his chair.

"Good afternoon class I hope everyone is having a good day despite this weather! It's nice to see you all have your posters out in front of you. I can't wait to see them" San pushed out a tight smile. "Remember this is meant to be quick and informal there is a lot of you to go through so don't worry too much if you keep it short. Now! Is there anyone who want to go first?"

Jongho's hand flew up but San ignored it "No one wants to go first? Ok I guess I'll be choosing then . .um Haechan you seem all too eager to talk, why don't you go first"

"Sir I think Jongho wants to go first"

San shook his head "I've made my decision Mr. Lee, now up you come" San said rather sternly as he pointed to the front of the room.

Haechan pouted as he walked to the front of the room and stuck his poster on the board with magnets.

Let the torture begin.

Despite being in a shit mood San was actually pretty proud of his students, most of them had put a lot of effort in to their posters, a whole lot more that he was expecting. If it were a graded assignment he'd be giving out 'A's' left right and centre.

He felt bad that he was ignoring Jongho and picking every student but him each time he asked who wanted to go next. It was clear Jongho really wanted to present but San just didn't want to hear the boys voice. He figured that if he left him till the end then hopefully the bell would ring, he could cut him off, send his class home and forget this stupid week and assignment.

Unfortunately though by the time the whole class was done and it was finally Jongho's turn there was still about 15 minutes left of class, which was enough time for Jongho to present since most presentations were taking about 5 or so minutes each.

San let out a big breath. "Ok Mr. Park, your turn"

Jongho shot up from his chair and skipped to the front of the room making San feel queasy inside.

Jongho was so young and sweet, but hidden beneath that sweetness he was just some sort of fucktoy for Yunho to use.

San looked at his watch while Jongho stuck his poster on the bored with magnets, completely forgetting that he had to look up and pay attention until Jongho spoke directly to him.

"You must have known Sir that my poster was the best since you clearly saved me for last" Jongho said, clearing his throat.

There were some snorts from other students in the class and San's head snapped up to look at Jongho. "Best my ass" San wanted to say.

"Ahh Yeah" San ended up saying instead "Um begin".

Jongho took a deep breath, smiled at San and then turned to face the class, stepping aside to reveal his poster.

San's heart went through the roof when he saw the pictures stuck all over Jongho's poster. His eyes popping out of his head and his mouth forming a silent "No"

He lent forwards on his wheelie chair and not so subtly rolled himself closer to the front of the room just to make sure that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

For all over Jongho's poster were photos of Yunho . . .and himself.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now