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Sanshine had returned and so had the sunshine. The rain was long gone and was now replaced with the warmth of the late afternoon sun.

Although it wasn't really top priority at the moment Yunho felt happy knowing that Yeonjun and Jongho could walk themselves home later on and not get drenched.

He'd blasted the heaters the whole way to the cinema to drop off the boys to try and dry his drenched body, and prevent himself from soaking his car.

Yunho never mentioned about all of San's mix-ups to Jongho and Yeonjun, he didn't want to tell them and for them to bring it up later and embarrass San. Also it would most definitely be awkward for Jongho knowing that San thought that he was the younger's sugar daddy.

San and himself could tell people later, filtering out some parts to avoid major embarrassment, but nobody needed to know right now.

So as far as the boys knew, the moment Yunho had hit San with his car was the first time that San saw him.

Once he'd dropped the boys off at the cinema, he gave them a quick wave, embarrassing both boy's by telling them not to do too much snogging, and then he drove off, leaving them flustered on the sidewalk.

Yunho was going to go straight home but then a thought popped into his mind and some unknown force took over his body, almost like Yunho was possessed and sent him driving straight to the supermarket.

He kind of felt like a giddy, horny teenager as the first place he went was the men's isle, in particular, the section with all the products for safe sex.

Maybe he was thinking too far ahead, maybe he was rushing things, but either way he wanted to do things right and he wanted them to be safe if they had sex, particularly if San didn't have supplies of his own then Yunho wanted to be ready.

But the longer Yunho stood in front of the section looking at sizes, colours and brands and growing more and more flustered, he had no idea what to get.

He knew his own size and was confident in picking out something for himself, but that wasn't the main problem, the problem Yunho faced was that he had no idea who would top and whether he should be picking out something for San instead.

He'd never had sex before, he'd always skipped out telling his partners that he wasn't ready or that it just didn't feel right, so he didn't know what he liked in a relationship, or what role he fell into. It kind of surprised Yunho that this was the first thing that had popped into his mind, the idea of making love with someone had never felt so right, he'd never been so sure in taking a relationship all the way in his whole life.

San had always said when they were dating that when they were older he'd be the big spoon, and considering San was older, used to be taller, stronger and overall more well built than Yunho, it had made sense back then, but now that they were older and San was suddenly a lot smaller than he used to be, Yunho wondered whether he should be the big spoon instead.

Yunho picked up a box that suited his size.

A new problem popped into Yunho's mind; What was San's size? If San was going to top then he'd need protection.

Yunho sighed as he picked up another box; was San big? Was he small? Yunho had no idea and he felt butterflies flit in his stomach at the thought.

He spent a good 10 minutes staring at and looking at all the boxes before he decided to just get a box with mix sizes.

With that crisis averted Yunho then walked off in search of a valentines present for San. He didn't want to show up empty handed, San was making dinner so he wanted to give something back in return (other than himself of course!).

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now