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San had never been one to speed but as he drove from KQ High to the supermarket for supplies for tonight, his foot pushed a little harder down on the pedal than he probably should have, going over the recommended speed limit.

Everything he thought to be true, everything he had made himself believe all this week; from Yunho being married, having a daughter, to being a sugar daddy, to cheating with multiple men and betraying his family, they were all just misunderstandings.

Terribly, stupid misunderstandings that he could have avoided if he had gone up to Yunho in the park when he first saw him in the first place.

San wanted to throw a plate at how dense he had been.

Yunho may deny the fact that he is an idiot but San was 110% sure that that is exactly what he was.

San was happy though, the full blown excitement of having Yunho back in his life was almost too much for San to handle. Knowing that Yunho liked and although he hadn't said it yet, probably still loved him too, made San ecstatic with joy, so much so that San wanted to sing it to the heavens. It had been years but San would say those special 3 words 8 letters in a heartbeat.

San knew that there was probably a lot of questions the taller would want to ask, because there were a million things San could think of that he wanted to know himself. They'd been apart for 9 whole years, a lot can happen in 9 years. San knew all too well how much one's life can change in a matter of seconds.

San made mental notes of those questions as he pulled into the supermarket parking lot.

San was so determined he almost forgot just how soaking wet he still was, luckily as he stepped out of the car and onto the ground the squelch of water in his shoes jogged his memory.

He popped open his boot thankful to see his hoodie was still in there and he quickly put it on to cover his shirt that was a little too see through for his own liking. There was nothing he could do for his tight jeans he was wearing though. At least the rain kind of made them look like they were just a darker colour, and not that they were wet, no one would know unless they touched his pants.

San held up his phone like a mirror and ran his fingers through his wet hair attempting to make it look like the wetness was intentional, content with his look San walked into the supermarket, still self conscious of his wet body nonetheless.

He grabbed a basket heading straight to the fruit section first. If he was going to have Yunho over for valentine's then he was going to need strawberries.

San grabbed two whole punnets of strawberries. Deciding that didn't look like enough he grabbed a third and dropped them all in his basket.

Next he headed to the sweets isle grabbing chocolate, marshmallows and other candy.

Main supplies done he went and got supplies for dinner, a roast and vegetables. He picked out the most juicy, tender, delicious looking cut of meat hoping Yunho would enjoy that and that he hadn't become a vegan in the time they were apart, he then went and picked out some fresh vegetables and he was all done.

San began to walk to the registers but out the corner of his eye he spotted a particular colour.

Blue of course.

But when San eyed which isle Yunho was down and just where he was standing and what he had in his hands San nearly tripped and dropped all his supplies.

Luckily he caught himself before that happened, he'd done enough tripping today.

San jumped hiding behind the end of the isle and peered round the corner at Yunho. San blushed, his cheeks going the same colour as the strawberries he had in his basket.

𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 • 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now