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Hey!! Can I ask you something???


Sure, Whats up??


You doing anything after school on friday?

Jongho's heart was about ready to burst out of his chest. Was Yeonjun asking him out???


Nope, I'm free


Good! I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies?

Cash in on all these valentines day deals haha

Jongho's heart dropped a little, the second message was a clear indicator that this was just a friendship thing, nothing more. But honestly what did he expect, Yeonjun probably wasn't even gay and he himself was likely not even on his radar.

Yeonjun clearly just wanted to see a movie for cheaper than it normally would be because the cinema has discounts on Valentines. It was still a chance to hang out though, exactly what Jongho had wanted so he quickly typed his response back.


Sound's good! What did you want to see?


It's a surprise. I'll pay :)


You don't have to pay!!


Its all good!! I already have my computer open now, and if I buy them now then we can choose our seats :) Back middle good with you???

Jongho smiled, it was nice that Yeonjun wanted to get seats early so they could get a good spot. Although he'd still prefer to pay for himself. Jongho wondered why he wanted to keep the movie a surprise.


Back middle is good with me! Can I get a hint at what film we are seeing????


Nope ;) Its a secret

Ok so tickets are bought! We can go straight from school, I'm going to bring a change of clothes, just so you know.


I will too then xD Thanks for paying btw


No worries ^_^ I gotta sleep now, I'll see you 2mo at school


Ok! Goodnight Jun ^.^


Goodnight Jongie :)

Jongho blushed at Yeonjun's use of his nickname in text, and then blushed even deeper at the realisation that he was going out with Yeonjun on valentines. It wasn't a date, but that didn't mean he couldn't pretend it was right?

Jongho grinned ear to ear and let out an involuntary squeal as he jumped up from his chair and jumped up and down and did a little victory dance, also making finger guns at himself in his mirror.

Just then his bedroom door flew open and Jongho stopped in his tracks as both his fathers face's appeared.

"Well someone's happy" Seonghwa said as he eyed Jongho with raised eyebrows and his arms crossed over his chest.

Jongho's heart stopped and he bit his lip, the only indication that he was still alive since the rest of his body was frozen.

Hongjoong's eyes bore into his own as if he were trying to read his mind. Jongho watched as his dad's eyes darted to the phone in his hands that he was still clutching and then to his desk where a particular card was still sitting, thankfully closed and upside down so he couldn't see to whom it was addressed to or the cheesy picture on the front.

A small smile befell Hongjoong's face, but he didn't say anything in regards to the card or Jongho's ecstatic behaviour moments before. "We're heading to bed, don't stay up too late . .or party too hard" Hongjoong grinned as he linked his arm with Seonghwa's. "Goodnight son"

"Ok" Jongho squeaked out, "Goodnight dads"

Seonghwa smiled and Hongjoong winked as he closed his door.

Once the door was shut, Jongho dropped into a defensive embarrassed ball on the floor, but his embarrassment started to melt away and he began smiling again when thoughts of Friday popped into his head.

He put his hand over his mouth muffling his squeals this time, mentally telling himself to calm down because it was just a hangout that just happened to be on valentines, he then promptly told himself to screw it and call it whatever he wants because when was he ever going to get the chance to hang out with Yeonjun on the most romantic day of the year ever again? For all he knew Yeonjun might have a girlfriend by the time next year comes around.

It was a fake date hangout. Jongho just wouldn't tell Yeonjun that.

Jongho sat back at his desk, inspiration suddenly hitting him for what to write in his card.

Dear Yeonjun,

Happy Valentines!!

Thanks for paying for the movie. I hope you have had a nice valentines and thanks for spending it with me.

From your best friend Jongho :)

It was simple, but it would do. Jongho still wasn't 100% on giving him the card either.

Jongho stuck the card in its envelope and wrote Yeonjun's name nicely on the front with a smiley face before hiding it back under his draw.

He then quickly got ready for bed, jumping under his covers and turning off the light. He quickly looked at the conversation they had just had before turning his phone off and squealing into his pillow.

This was going to be the best valentine's day ever. 

A/n Did you enjoy these little Jongho chapters???

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