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San melted as Yunho held him tighter, his giggles slowing.

He had been so nervous as he prepared the house and dinner, his mouth even went dry like what happens to people before public speaking; so much so that he had drunk 3 glasses of water in one go and gone as far to put balm on his lips because they had gone all dry. But as soon as he had opened his door and seen Yunho all his worry and nerves melted away.

Of course he had butterflies when he had noticed Yunho's overnight bag to which the taller had tried to hide, but he was still surprisingly calm.

Being with Yunho even after all these years was so easy, it was as if a part of his heart and soul that had been lost finally found its way home.

San could tell that Yunho was nervous, from the way his eyes darted about and how he chewed on his bottom lip. The fact that Yunho was nervous didn't bother him, San found it quite cute, Yunho may have been taller but he was still younger, and was still the sweet boy from years yonder.

San finished making dinner while Yunho explored his house. He had been subtle at first just looking about with his eyes but then San had mentioned that it's ok for him to look, giving him free reign, and now Yunho was opening and closing every draw and every cupboard as if he were looking for hidden treasure.

San in no way felt like Yunho was invading his privacy. As San kept telling himself, it had been years, Yunho clearly just wanted to know him better, and San had nothing to hide, what's his was also Yunho's, and even more so now since they were dating.

San couldn't believe he was dating Yunho again, just like that, but it was exactly what he wanted and it filled his body with joy knowing it's what Yunho wanted too.

San quickly fed Shiber before plating up and calling Yunho over from where he was now cutely playing on the floor with a ball with Shiber. It made San happy seeing his two favourite boys playing together.

San placed the plates on the table and then pulled out a chair for Yunho to sit in. San grinned when he saw the tallers ears go red at the small gesture.

"I hope it's ok!" San said bashfully as he sat across from Yunho.

"It looks delicious Sanshine" Yunho said as he picked up a knife and fork.

San's heart skipped, he loved it when Yunho called him by his nickname, San would melt in Yunho voice.

San smiled and sat & watched in anticipation for Yunho's reaction as he put a cut of juicy meat in his mouth.

"Mmmmm" Yunho hummed as he chewed "This is rweally gooRd!" he said with his mouth full.

San's smile grew and he let out a sigh of relief as he began eating as well.

"So!" San began after they'd eaten in comfortable silence for a bit.

Yunho looked up from his plate.

"Tell me about yourself, what have I missed in the past 9 years? Tell me everything"

"A lot" Yunho bit his lip shyly "I finished high school forever questioning where on earth you were. I moved out to study on campus for university, I studied a Bachelor of Cuisine"

San cut in, if Yunho studied Cuisine then he must have high expectations for food. "Are you sure my food doesn't suck?" San asked worriedly pointing at Yunho's plate with his fork.

Yunho placed his hand over San's raised hand calming him immediately "It's perfect. If it comes from you its guaranteed to be perfect"

San breathed another sigh of relief and Yunho continued.

"I eventually met some great people, and a couple of us moved out into a share place which is where I live now. I made friends with this really nice girl Dahyun, and before you say anything please don't be jealous of her she always has and always will be just a friend. We actually became a lot closer when her boyfriend knocked her up and ditched her, she didn't have many people to lean on so I was there for her" San watched as Yunho reached into his pocket grabbing his wallet and then holding it out for San to grab.

"You may of seen it the other day when you took care of me, but this is her daughter Nari, she's my god daughter. I will totally introduce you to them some time."

The idea of Yunho having a female like Dahyun for a best friend both comforted and unnerved San. He was unnerved because she was a girl and it sounded like she consumed a large portion of Yunho's heart. She clearly cared and trusted him considering she had made Yunho a god parent to her child. But San was comforted in knowing that she was a girl which meant Yunho would never go for her, his feelings were platonic towards the female population.

"I'd love to meet them" San felt himself say with a small smile, he took a bite of his food so it didn't look like he was dwelling.

Yunho continued "I got a job working at Treasure Diner, most of the time I manage the kitchen, and sometimes I work the floor, I'll have to take you there."

San nodded as he chewed his food.

"Umm what else . ." Yunho pondered as he chewed on his lip and tapped his chin in thought "Ahh I went on a trip to Japan after senior year, it would have been great if you were there. Dad's are doing well, as are the rest of the family, and er I got taller" Yunho finished with a chuckle.

San chortled at that last bit "That's great to hear Yun! We'll have to go to travelling together one day like we always said we would".

It sounded like Yunho had quite the comfortable life, and San was sad that he had missed and hadn't been a part of it. He had missed Yunho grow up into a confident, strong, independent person capable of caring for those around him.

"Yun?" San called as a new thought popped into his mind.

"Yeah?" Yunho asked before taking a sip of sparkling water San had poured for him.

"What about boyfriends? Have you . .dated?"

Yunho went silent and San felt his heart sink a little "It's ok, you can tell me" It wasn't really the most important thing in the world but San wanted to know, he needed to understand Yunho better.

"I've had some boyfriends here and there . . nothing lasted though, nothing really went that far either" Yunho looked San directly in the eyes and San felt his stomach flip "I think it's because my heart always belonged to you, even if I didn't know it myself"

It did make San sad that Yunho had been with other guys, that any one of those guys could have stolen his heart. But San felt his heart burst in happiness because none of those relationships had worked, and the reason for that was he himself.

"What about you?" Yunho asked, his voice a little quiet.

San took a breath "I've been on dates, but I've never dated anyone but you. Nobody could beat you" San said with a smile.

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