forty one

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yo guys, how are you all doing?

soz that i went off the grid but hey life isn't the greatest right now but i'm trying my best to persevere lol, hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)

// chapter forty one //

I paused in my steps almost immediately, feeling my muscles tense.

I couldn't even bring myself to turn around and look at the phone as the shrill ring continued to echo around the abandoned street that it sat in. Grimacing slightly at the sheer intensity of the ring, I let out a deep sigh.

"You have got to be kidding me," I growled, my fists clenching around the limited material in my pocket. Taking in a sharp breath of the cold fresh air that blew past me, I slowly turned around to the phone as it paused in it's ringing for a moment. My breath caught in my throat, hoping to God it was only a coincidence and that I could just leave...but as soon as it had stopped, it started ringing once again. Somehow it sounded a lot more urgent that it had before.

Maybe I was going crazy.

Or maybe someone else was crazy.

My eyes involuntarily scanned around the area, hoping that I would be able to see someone in the darkness and that they were just pulling a prank. But my only company was an empty bottle of water that tumbled across the concrete floor in the wind.

Was I alone? Was there someone watching me?

I guess there was only one way to find out. Grinding my teeth and pushing away the thoughts that clouded my better judgement, I stormed over to the phone box.

I wanted to believe it was only a coincidence that only a few hours before, I had received a phone call with some creepy ass mofo breathing down the phone like his life depended on it and let's not forget the totally-not-okay way he said my name - which is still a complete mystery because I had no idea who it was or how in the name of hell they knew my name to begin with.

And now a phone was ringing just as I was walking past it?

Either it was some weird voodoo shit or I had a stalker on my hands.

But now I was even more thankful that I had made my brothers' go on ahead because having to explain that I was receiving weird phone calls could have gotten messy. I know Stefan was suspicious since I had left my phone at home and was clearly shaken when he had come to check on me, but he never pryed and a small part of me wished that he had. At least he would know what was happening. But then again, I wanted to sort this out myself. As much as I loved having my brothers and knowing that they cared so much meant a lot to me, but I needed to be independant. And I couldn't do that if they always intervened whenever something went wrong.

I could handle myself after all.

I wrenched open the rusty door of the phone box, a small shiver running up my spine at the rough and chilly feel of the handle. The box was a lot smaller on the inside and as soon as I let out a breath, one of the small window panels fogged immediately. The ringing was suddenly a lot more shrill and intimidating as I saw the phone in front of me vibrate slightly from the incoming call. There was a sudden slam behind me and I spun around, noticing that the door was now shut. I couldn't see outside very well, the windows all suddenly fogging up as my breathing became more erratic.

My chest rose rapidly as my eyes slowly turned to look down at the black, grimy phone that was shaking. My hand felt cold as I carefully reached down and picked it up, the vibration running through my finger tips as I hesitantly brought it to my ear. I kept my eyes trained on the scratched keypad beneath me, trying my best to slow my breathing.

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