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-Chapter Seven-

I gulped slightly, my eyes transfixed on the flickering fire in front of me, my mouth suddenly dry.

Liam Mikaelson. Never heard of him to be perfectly honest.

But if he really was a Mikaelson, i was in major trouble.

These guys basically ruled the vampire world. They never came to visit you unless you were in trouble. But what exactly had i done?

I was a good girl.

No you’re not.

From the corner of my eye i saw him open his mouth to say something, only making me hold a finger up to silence him while i thought.

Yeah, okay he may be like my ‘master’ or whatever, but he was still in my room.

My room, my rules.

He frowned at my finger but said nothing more.

“Let me ask you something.” I said, quickly glancing at him before looking ahead of me again. For some reason i didn’t feel nervous or anything about speaking so boldly to him just uncomfortable that he was glaring at me and could rip my head off in an instant and no one could say anything about it.

He huffed. “I don’t have time for your stupid questi-“

“EXCUSE ME?” I suddenly gasped, my mouth wide as i turned to look at him with wide eyes.

He froze, his eyes darting from side to side at my sudden outburst.

“You, mister, are in my room. My sacred area. Do not disrespect me in my cave, okay?” I snapped, frowning at him as i cuddled my pillow closer to me, just in case he leaped for me.

He narrowed his eyes. “I can talk to you any way i want, Miss Salvatore.”

I narrowed my eyes back challengingly.

“Oh, you wanna bet?”

I don’t care if this guy was a part of the Original family, he wasn’t going to disrespect me in my home. If i was in his house i wouldn’t disrespect him.

Well not that i would ever be in his house.

Did they even have a house?

Maybe it was a mansion or a palace.

Yeah, i bet a palace.

“You can’t speak to an Original like this.” He stated through gritted teeth, his hands clenching beside him, snapping me out of my daydream.

I rolled my eyes and threw away my pillow. This guy was about as threatening as a teddy bear holding a cupcake.

“Well to be perfectly honest with you, master, I’ve never even heard of you.” I said, raising an eyebrow as i heaved myself off the bed and stood up, crossing my arms.

I was actually surprised my brothers hadn’t heard us talking, what with their bat hearing and everything.

He froze slightly and his face dropped. “You’ve never heard of me?” he asked, sadness lining his tone.

I was slightly taken aback at the lost look in his eyes, but shook my head nonetheless. “Nope.”

“Not even once?” he asked desperately, holding up one of his fingers, frowning slightly.

I shrugged, my head slowly shaking. “No, sorry.”

He threw his arms in the air before clamping them to his messy hair, letting out a frustrated noise. My eyes widened and my lips spread into a small amused smile, what the hell was that? It sounded like mad sex with a monkey to be quite honest.

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