twenty five

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Hey guys :) So I'm back from my army weekend (thank god), and I should be ok to update regularly now for a few more weeks until they throw another weekend at me. 

Here's chapter 25 for you :)

- Chapter Twenty Five -

I curled my upper lip in disgust as Elena lifted up her hand, dragging up the frilly black dress clutched between her fingers.

I watched as a frown appeared on her face, her arms dropping dramatically as she threw the hanger back onto the rack. "You do realise how insufferable you're being, don't you?"

"I try."

She simply rolled her eyes before pinching her lips as she scanned through the next aisle of dresses. I let out a huff of air between my lips as I slowly slumped after her, my hands aimlessly filing through the lacy dresses on display. Elena should be happy that  I was at least trying to be interested.

An hour ago, she had literally dragged me to the mall as she claimed that I needed a new outfit if I was going to attend the party Dylan had invited us to.

"What about this one?"

I lazily lifted my head, a grimace quickly covering my face as she placed the light green item in front of her.

"Are you trying to look like the boogey man?"

"You're hilarious, please stop before my sides split."

I frowned at her, turning my head from the rail in front of me. "Leave the sarcasm to me. It doesn't suit you."

"Like all the dresses I've shown you?"

"That was a low blow, Gilbert. A real low blow."

"I try."

"Well, excuse me, but you're actually the one suggesting all these clothes. You just insulted your own skills."

 A smirk pulled at my lips as her smug expression dropped, an unamused one replacing it. "Shut up."

Letting out a childish snicker, I turned my head away, continuing to file through all the dresses of the store. "These people really love lace, don't they?"

"It's in season at the moment."

"I'm going to avoid asking how you know that."

"Don't you read magazines?"

"Not really. I don't really enjoy reading how some famous kid was seen eating a hot dog or something. It's stupid."

"There are other types of magazines you know."

"I'm supposed to the ancient one here."

We both grinned at each other as she let out a laugh, simply shaking her head. I let the smile stay on my lips as my fingers pushed past the metal hangers, my eyes scanning the different colours of the dresses.

"Do I have to wear a dress?" I asked for the third time since we'd gotten here.


I muttered under my breath, a frown deepening my eyebrows as I pushed away from the rack with an over-dramatic sigh.

"There is literally nothing here that I would want to be seen out in public in."

"There has to be something." Elena snapped back. "Just keep looking."

"If you haven't noticed, we have been looking. In fact, we've been looking for over an hour."

Elena smacked her hand on the rail, turning to me with a scowl. I raised an eyebrow at her sudden harshness. 

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