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Sorry for the delay :)

My laptops being an idiot and it won't open my Internet browsers :(

Anyway here you go, Chapter Thirteen :D

Chapter Thirteen-

I felt the self-satisfaction swirl around inside me as I watched his eyes darken at my challenge.

He slowly leant forward, his eyes not leaving mine. I didn't let the uncomfortableness show on my face as I sat still in my turnt position.

Before I could do anything, his foot hooked around the back leg of my chair. I looked down in shock, letting out a surprised squeak as he tugged my chair quickly backwards.

I cringed at our closeness, wanting nothing more than to just slap him so hard that he flew across half the country.

"You won't hurt me." He growled, scowling down at me.

I rolled my eyes. "You're right, because if I did that'd be animal abuse. OH, HAVE YOU BEEN CHASING THE SUN BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT BURNED!" I shouted, shaking my hands on either side of my face victoriously.

"For the last time I'm not a dog!" He snapped.

I looked him up and down before scrunching my nose in disgust. "Then you need to shower, because you certainly smell like one."

"I really hate you."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I know. You're not the most discreet person ever."

"I don't try to be." He said. I stared back at him, feeling an uneasy feeling settle in my stomach at his words.

I didn't say anything, just stayed quiet as we looked at each other. I was thankful when Elena suddenly appeared next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. My eyes darted up to her, a gentle smile on her face as she looked at me.

Then her eyes snapped to Tyler, the shade of her eyes darkening.

"Don't you have some kid to go and harass, Tyler?" She asked. I silently thanked her for coming and stopping our awkward conversation.

He said nothing, just scoffed before grabbing his bag and moving back a few rows, shooting me one last venomous glance before turning around to speak to one of his friends.

I let out a slow huff of air before turning back around to the front, my hands gripping the edge of my textbook anxiously. Tyler made me feel uneasy. I don't know what exactly it was about him, maybe it was the fact that vampires and werewolves just don't mix well but I don't think that was it.

We'd gotten off to a bad start, and to be honest I didn't want to talk or have any contact with him ever again. But I knew that was kind of inevitable.

I don't know he just gave of this creepy aura that made my stomach twist.

"What was that about?" Elena whispered, crouching down so that her face was level with my desk, looking back at Tyler for a moment.

"I don't know." I replied, scraping all my hair up into a high ponytail, my fingers moving to tie it with the hairband on my wrist. Once I was satisfied I let out a sigh, resting my chin on the desk, looking at Elena. "He likes bothering me."

"Yeah, I've noticed you two don't exactly get along."

"He just..." I trailed, off shaking my head as I straightened up again. "I don't know, he just makes me feel uncomfortable."

She let out a chuckle. "Brook, he makes everyone feel uncomfortable."

"Oh wow, thanks that makes me feel loads better." I said sarcastically as she smiled at me.

"My point is, don't worry about it. He doesn't get along with many people."

"What really?"

"Is that sarcasm?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"I can never tell with you."

"Then guess."

"I'm guessing yes."

"Ding ding we have a winner." I smiled, tapping her head each time I said 'ding'.

She smiled, swatting my hand away. We stayed in silence for a moment. I took the time to look up at the clock, noting the teacher was already five minutes late and making no sign of showing up anytime soon.

"Why were you late this morning?"

I stared at the clock. I was wondering when this question was going to pop up again. I would've thought it would have been from Stefan, knowing he wanted to know where I was and probably didn't believe what I told him earlier.

"My locker wouldn't open. It's still stuck." I lied, turning to look at her, hoping she bought the fake smile I quickly plastered on.

"Oh." Was all she said, her eyebrows raising. That obviously wasn't the answer she was expecting or wanted. I shrugged it off as she smirked at me. "Ok."

And as if on cue, the teacher walked in, balancing various text books on the laptop he was carrying as he hurried in, dumping the books and laptop on the large desk at the front before standing up.

Elena smiled at me, getting up and sitting down at her seat, sharing a brief smile with Stefan.

He briefly apologized before straightening his tie and starting the lesson.

I looked up at the clock again, letting out a long breath through my nose.

Only an hour left.


Right, I'm going to be a bit mean ;)

So I'm unsure if people are still interested in this story or not so for the next chapter I'm asking for:

- 4 Votes


Nothing too nasty :) Thank you all again for reading :)

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