thirty three

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so I think it's safe to say that the ship name for Liam and Brook is now 'briam', which I think is really cute personally. 

but yeah sorry for the scarce updates but i'm literally so busy at the moment, i have work experience next week and then it's my assessed Duke of Edinburgh expedition and then after that I have annual camp for two weeks. So yeah, i'm pretty busy. And absolutely shxtting myself for annual omfg like idk what to expect i'm actually scared idk

ALSO: there's a gif of Liam on the side and idk I really liked it and thought it fit well with the chapter so yeah

anyway chapter thirty three :D

- Chapter Thirty Three -

My breath caught in my throat as soon as Kol had opened the doors and I was now able to see everything in the room.

The three figures in the room suddenly spun around upon hearing the door open and from the wicked grins that spread across all their faces, I knew that they were expecting me.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated.

"You must be Brooklyn." 

My eyes darted to the soft voice that suddenly pierced through the silence that had blanketed the room. I was met with a slender blonde, who held herself confidently. She had one hand placed on her hip and a smirk that made me uneasy as she slowly made her way towards me. Ignoring her words for a moment, my eyes widened as I saw what was behind her. 

There was a large chair placed in the centre of the room, on top of an elaborate and medieval-looking carpet.

Biting my lip, I frowned slightly as my view was blocked, the blonde now standing directly in front of me. She was almost the same height as me, if not a little taller and I could tell from her posture that she thought the millimetre height difference between us gave her the upper hand in this situation.

I simply raised my eyebrow at her cocky attitude, despite only knowing her for literally a few seconds I had a gut feeling we weren't going to be the best of friends.

"That would be me." I replied carefully, a fake smile slipping onto my face as she smirked down at me. Although I wasn't about to roll over and just let her do whatever the heck she wanted to me, I wasn't going to purposely goad her, or any of the Originals to be honest, if I could avoid it. It wouldn't exactly have the most ideal ending.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as her head tipped slightly to the left, scanning me carefully. I pursed my lips as an attempt to not come out with a sarcastic remark that would possibly end with my limb being thrown out the window. It was hard, but I was surprised that I managed to hold it back before she spoke again.

"I've heard a lot about you." She remarked and I didn't notice how her eyes shot over my shoulder. I didn't doubt that that look was aimed at Liam and I found myself start to get more and more aggravated the longer the blonde stood in front of me. Why did everyone assume they knew every little detail about Liam and I?

Because firstly, we weren't even dating so there wasn't anything they actually had to know. Secondly, we had only known each other for a short amount of time, and even though we've made such a strong connection within that time, it irked me whenever someone assumed they knew everything about us and our 'relationship'.

I resisted the urge to turn around and just storm out of the house despite not having a single clue as to where the exit was, and simply grinned up at her.

"Oh, have you? That's nice."

From the way she pursed her lips and her eyes glared dangerously at me, I could tell that wasn't the reaction she was hoping to get out of me. And I will admit that the words may have come out a little condescendingly but this girl was pushing all the wrong buttons and I just generally didn't give a damn.

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