twenty six

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Hey guys, we're back in business! Here's chapter 26 for you :)


"TURN IT OFF, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD." I screamed, clamping my hands on my ears in an attempt to block out the so-called 'music' that Elena was blaring throughout the car.

"When the sun shines, we'll shine together, told you I'd be here forever, said I'll always be your friend-"

"If you don't turn that damn contraption off, we aren't going to be friends for much longer." I threatened, my jaw clenching as I grimaced at the song. I shot my head around to face her as I heard her cackle evilly, glaring holes into her head as she grinned cheekily back at me, bouncing around sarcastically to the beat of the music.

"Don't think I won't bite you." I threatened, narrowing my eyes as I tried to press harder against my ears.

"I dare you." She retorted, another laugh slipping past her lips as she obviously didn't take my threat seriously.

I raised an eyebrow at her cockiness. Oh, she didn't think I'd bite her?

Well, you've got another think coming, sunshine.

"OW, BROOK! What the hell, I am driving!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" I shot back, pointing at her accussingly as she cradled her hand against her chest, her mouth agape as she stared at me in astonishment.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Do you need a list?"


"Well, don't ask questions you don't want the answer to." I answered back, a smirk appearing at the corners of my lips, as I re-adjusted my position in the car seat, turning away from Elena to face the window, a satisfied smile creeping onto my lips.

The smile only grew as I heard her mutter something under her breath as she tentatively placed her bitten hand back onto the steering wheel, frowning down at the red mark before shooting me an death glare from the corner of her eye.

I rolled my eyes, thinking she was over-exaggerating but as I lay my eyes on the large red mark on her hand, my mouth dropped. "OHOHOHO, LOOK AT THAT MOTHERFU-"

"I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU." She suddenly shouted, pointing at me with her non-bitten hand, obviously seizing the moment to shove it in my face that she wasn't being a drama queen and I had actually dealt some damage when I bit her.

"I didn't even know my teeth could do that!" I shouted back, suddenly becoming defensive as my hand came up to tentatively touch my fangs, my eyes growing wider as I felt the soft padding of my forefinger press against the sharp point of fang. "Elena, they've fricking grown!"

"They what?!" She screamed, taking her eyes off the road for a mini-second, causing her hand to move the steering wheel as she moved. We both screamed as the car screeched off to the side for a moment, our screams growing louder as a truck honked at us in annoyance, before she grabbed hold of the wheel once again and regained control.

"Keep your eyes on the damn road, woman!"

"What do you mean, they've grown?" she panicked, her breathing ragged as she tried to calm down from the little car stunt we just experienced.

"They're sharper!" I panicked, my tongue running along the bottom of my fangs, wincing slightly as I felt the tip cut the edge of my tongue slightly, the metallic taste of blood suddenly exploding in my mouth. I spluttered slightly, not enjoying the mixture of human and vampire blood.

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