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Here you go guys, Chapter Eighteen :D

-Chapter Eighteen-

"Elena!" I stammered, pushing Liam gently away from me as Elena continued to stare at the both of us. Her eyes were wide as she looked back and forth between us.

"Who the hell is that?" She whispered to me, lowering her voice to a hiss as she jabbed a finger in Liam's direction.

I gulped silently, looking at Liam over my shoulder. I frowned when I saw he wore a cheeky grin, staring at Elena like nothing was wrong.

Like nothing




"Who's who?" I tried, a small part of me hoping that maybe she would play along.

"Don't even try that, Brook." She said through clenched teeth. "I knew there was someone in here." She said, smiling to herself.

"Please don't tell my brothers." I said, frowning and biting my lip nervously.

Her gaze turned to me as she stared at me questioningly. "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know," I stated sarcastically, "Maybe because they'll kick my arse all the way to South Dakota!"

She let out a small chuckle, bringing her hand up to her face in an attempt to hide it.

"It's not funny!"

"It's pretty funny."

"No, it's really not."

"What's his name?" She asked, looking over my shoulder at the vampire sat calmly on my bed. "He's really cute."

I stared at her, before looking back at Liam.

"I blame you." I said, pointing a finger at him.

He snapped out of his little trance and scowled at me, folding his arms. "And why's that?"

"If you hadn't of been making such a racket in the closet she wouldn't of known."

"I didn't make any noise!"

"Yes you did!"

"No, I didn't!"

"How else would she have known you were in there?"

"I don't know, ask her!"

"I don't need to; it was because you were being so damn noisy!"

"That's the worst comeback ever."

"Shut up, no it wasn't!"

"You should be ashamed to even call that a comeback."



We both stopped our argument and looked back to Elena. She was frowning at the both of us, a hand on her hip as she studied Liam.

I noticed him fidget under her gaze.

"What's your name?" She asked, a small smile falling across her face.

"Liam." He replied, grinning and showing off his teeth.

"Hey Liam, I'm Elena." She simply said, reaching out her hand for him to shake. He stared at it for a moment before glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

I rolled my eyes. "Go ahead, she won't bite."

He didn't look too sure, but took her hand and offered a small smile.

"It's nice to see Brooklyn finally have some male company...if you get what I mean."

"Oh c,mon!"

"You know what I mean!"

"That's so inappropriate!"

"Says the Queen of innuendos!"

"I am quite the innuendo master." I grinned, feeling a little proud of myself for a moment.

I let the silly grin stay on my face as my eyes sub-consciously looked at Liam. He stared at me with a raised eyebrow, a cocky almost amused grin on his face as he stood there.

I cleared my throat, smiling awkwardly. "Sorry about that."

"Don't apologise."

I frowned. "What, why?"

"It's hilarious."

"You think it's hilarious."

"I find you hilarious."

I paused for a moment. He thought I was funny?

A small smile crept onto my lips. "Thanks."

Elena let out a loud 'aww' as he leant forward and kissed the top of my head, making me frown at her as he smiled down at me. I looked up into his eyes, grinning as I realised how happy I actually was that he broke into my bedroom to see me.

"Wait a second."

Looking up at Liam with a frustrated look, I shook my head and turned to look at my best friend with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Is he a vampire?" She whispered, cupping the corner of her mouth as she leant towards me, a curious expression on her face.

I stared at her. "No, he's the tooth fairy."

"Sarcasm isn't answering my question any quicker."

"No, but it's funnier."

"You're so sarcastic."

"Really?" I asked, a manic grin on my face as I widened my eyes, turning my body away from Liam to look at Elena.

"See, that's exactly what I mean."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"What do you mean you don't know what I'm talking about?" She demanded, placing a hand on her hip as she scowled up at me,

"I mean I don't understand what you're talki-"

"You are really sarcastic, Brook."

I spun on my heel to glare at the Original. "Who asked you anyway?!"

A cheeky grin spread across his face. "It's funny getting involved in your arguments."

"It's not an argument." Elena and I said simultaneously, glaring at one another as we finished the sentence.

"Stop it." I scowled.

"Stop what?" She frowned.

"Copying me."

"Well, excuse me, Miss Cocky, but you could have copied me!"

"There are two things wrong with that statement. One, I'm not cocky, I'm just sure of what I'm saying. Two, it's obvious to everyone that you copied me."

"No, it's not." Liam jumped in, snorting amusedly as he looked down at me.

"Again with the jumping in!"

"You love it really."

"You wish."

"Only in your dreams, baby."

"I repeat, you wish."

"You wish that I wished."

"Yeah well, you wish that I wished that you wish."

"You wish that I-"

"Ok, stop you're making my head hurt." Elena interrupted, putting her hand up in front of her to stop us. I grinned.

"You still didn't answer my question." Elena suddenly pointed out, jabbing my stomach playfully.

"Oi," I swatted her hand away, rubbing the spot she poked. "You asked a question?"



"I swear to God, you'll be the death of me one day, Salvatore."

"Ooooo, the last name!"

Glaring up at me, she simply rolled her eyes. "I'm taking that as a yes."

"A yes to what?"

"To he likes blood."

"I object to that statement!" Liam pouted, sticking out his bottom lip as he looked between us. "I love blood."

"That's gross." Elena crinkled her nose. I let out a laugh as she rolled her eyes once again.


Everyone in the room suddenly froze, a frown occupying all our brows as we tried to figure out where the sudden voice appeared from. My eyes widened as I bit my lip, shooting Elena an accusing glare as Stefan's voice called out her name again.

She simply mouthed something to me, holding up her finger to announce she'd only be a minute as she leant out the door, a nervous expression on her face.

"Yeah?" she called back, looking down the corridor even though I could clearly hear that he was downstairs. It suddenly clicked that somehow my brother's must not have been able to hear us upstairs, because I'm pretty sure if they heard a boy in my room they'd march up here and kick his ass.

Which they hadn't done.

I frowned, my mind processing thoughts as I thought of a reason for why they hadn't heard us.

"Is she ok?" Stefan's voice rang out again. I rolled my eyes as I heard the underlying worried tone to his words. I sighed before looking at Liam quickly. I flashed him a grin before heading over to the door, shouting down my own response before Elena could.

"'She' is fine! Stop worrying about me, you stupid worry wart!" I screamed back, getting a little frustrated that Stefan had suddenly taken to the idea that he had to check that I was ok every hour.

"Well, sorry for being concerned!" He shouted back, a gentle chuckle following his words.

"Dude, what do you even have to be concerned about?" I shouted back, an amused grin on my face as I listened for his response.

"You're not exactly the most sensible person to ever live."

"Now that, my twin, is plain rude!" I shouted back, placing my hands on my hips even though I knew he couldn't see me. "I'm more sensible than you, anyway!"

"Ha! That's a good joke."

I frowned at the voice of my older brother.

"Nobody asked you, Damon!"

I simply shook my head at the sounds of my brother's laughing. I turned around, looking down at Elena before nodding my head in the direction of my bedroom. She didn't say anything, simply walked back in.

I smiled, following her, only for the smile to fall as I realised Liam was gone.


Hey, guys!

So, I've got a few things to say...



I honestly couldn't believe it, I never expected this story to be so popular. And it's all down to you guys, so thank you for the support :)


Right now the story isn't really following any series storyline as most of you can probably tell. But maybe, and that's a big maybe, I might start involving the story in one of the series, probably series one. I know Stefan and Elena are already dating and that's way before The Originals but this is a fanfiction :)

So, yeah!

For the next chapter:

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-Badger :B

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