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-Chapter Twelve-

As soon as the bell rang for the end of the lesson, I shot a quick glance at Stefan before speed-walking out into the corridors, hoping to disappear amongst the other students.

"Don't think you're getting away that easy."

I cursed under my breath before looking up at my twin, frowning at the height difference.

"I wasn't trying to get away." I lied, fiddling with the strap of my bag.

He scoffed and looked down at me. "Sure, whatever you say."

"I wasn't!" I defended, giving him an exasperated look as we weaved through the various students together.

"I know you, Brooklyn; I know what you're like."

I rolled my eyes, momentarily hating the fact that we were twins and we knew each other inside out.

"Fine, ok. You caught me." I grumbled, stopping at my locker to throw all my books away. I reached behind me, bringing my bag around to my front as I unzipped it and started to grab all the individual books I didn't need.

I glanced up at Stefan as he leant against the locker beside me, staring at me cautiously.

I caught his eye, immediately looking away as a wave of guilt washed over my stomach. "What?"

He studied me for a few more moments. "You're not telling me something."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you say that?"

"You won't meet my eye." He said casually.

I froze, my hands pausing inside my locker as I lay down my English textbook. I bit down on my lip nervously.

Did he know?

No, there was no possible way that he'd know about Liam. Firstly because no one had even heard about him and secondly because I'd left no clues that would lead to maybe knowing about hi-

Oh, shit.

The book.

I bit down on my lip harder, mentally kicking myself over and over again. I'd thrown that book across the room of the library. And Damon had picked it up.

Goddammit Brooke!

You had one job!

I shut my locker door and zipped up my backpack. I flung it over my shoulder and turned to look at him, pushing away all guilt to the back of my mind as I looked into his eyes, ones that mirrored my own.

I cocked my head to the side in a 'see?' manner. "Can't look you in the eye, eh?"

He watched me, an amused grin twitching at the edge of his mouth. "Alright." He laughed in a breath, looking down.

"Come on," he said after a moment of silence, his arm slinging over my shoulder as he steered me away from my locker. I allowed him to pull me around the corner towards our next classroom, enjoying the brotherly embrace he had me under.

I laughed, my head drifting to look out the window as we watched. The smile I wore, slowly drained from my lips as I saw Liam standing outside, leaning against our car, his backpack still slung over his shoulder as he stood there.

My footsteps halted for a moment, putting me off balance as I nearly tripped over. Stefan's hand tightened on my shoulder, stopping me from falling on my face as I continued to stare at Liam.

He slowly looked up, his eyes flitting around the courtyard before slowly trailing up to the window, sensing someone watching him. My throat tightened as a smirk curled into his lips, his eyes flashing in the sun as we stared at each other.

I took in a deep breath, my heart starting to race slightly faster as we stared at each other.


I blinked, my eyes darting away from the vampire outside to the vampire beside me, his eyes watching me closely as I looked up at him.

"Are you alright?"

I nearly rolled my eyes at the concern in his voice. "I'm fine."

"What happened?"

"What do you mean, what happened?"

"What were you staring at?"

"A rabbit."

"A...a what, sorry?"

"A rabbit."

"Like a bunny rabbit?"

"What other types of rabbits are there?"

"I...don't...right, ok, moving on." He said, blinking in confusion as he started to tug me down the corridor, forgetting what he had asked me in the first place. I snuck a look out the corner of my eye as we passed the end of the way.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Liam had vanished.

We walked down the corridor in silence, both thinking about what the other had just said. We turned into the classroom, Stefan moving across the room to sit beside Elena who sat at the back. I raised an eyebrow as they both looked at each other, smiles appearing on their faces as they leant in to kiss one another.

"Please." I muttered, rolling my bag off my shoulder as I shuffled to the empty seat two rows behind Stefan and Elena, wanting to give the two some privacy.

I opened my bag and gripped the books I needed for the lesson, flinging them onto the table before leaning my elbow on the desk and placing my shin inside my cupped hand.

I was just reading the lesson plan on the chalkboard when I felt something hit the back of my chair, sending me jolt forward slightly.

I clenched my teeth, my chair making a loud scrape across the floor as it moved forward from the force of the kick.

I growled under my breath.

"I thought I smelt wet dog." I grumbled, shuffling my chair back, grabbing my desk to full it closer.

"I knew I smelt blood." He shot back, making me roll my eyes.

"If you actually had any brain cells, or even a good sense of smell you would realise that the blood you smell isn't blood I've drunk. It's mine." I grumbled, gritting my teeth as I heard him snort.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Was that a serious question?"

I listened intently, hearing the small sound of his shoe squeaking across the floor as he attempted to kick the back of my chair again. But before it could connect to the chair, I stretched my arm out, grabbing his foot in mid-air.

He grunted, attempting to shake it off as I only tightened my grip.

"Nice try."

I quickly twisted in my hand, smirking at the stifled grunt that came from behind me.

I threw his foot away, smirking at him over my shoulder, the smirk only growing as I saw him glare at me.

"Oh, you want to dance?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as he reached under the desk, rubbing his foot.

I grinned.

"Only if you know how to tango."

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