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Thank you all for being patient :) I've been really busy with a car accident I was involved in and I have an Army Cadet weekend so I've had to pack and everything :) HERE YOU GO :D

-Chapter Nineteen-

I couldn't help but feel the small pit of sadness that settled in my stomach as I quickly scanned the room, only confirming that Liam had in fact left.

Then a frown creased my eyebrows as I felt an ounce of anger simmer within me. What was wrong with him?

Why did he, every time we were reaching a good moment, disappear?

Did the guy think he was freaking Houdini?

A small growl left my lips as I petulantly stomped my foot, muttering a string of curse words as I glared at the open window, staring at my curtains lightly swaying from the crisp air flowing in.

"Where'd he go?"

"Who knows where that asshole's disappeared to now?" I quickly bit back, noticing the frown that was also on Elena's face. She was probably as annoyed as I was.

"He seemed nice though."

I ignored her nice comment because; right now I was completely pissed at him.

I swear to god, next time I see him, I'm getting answers.

I don't care if it seemed noisy or anything, if this guy insisted on appearing in my bedroom every day then I at least deserved answers on who exactly Liam Mikaelson was.

"He's a dick sometimes, trust me." I mumbled, turning around and starting to walk out of the bedroom. I didn't give Elena a second glance as she stared at me and then back at my bedroom before rolling her eyes, shutting the door and slowly trailing after me.

I let out a huff, allowing some of my built up anger to dissipate into the air as I gripped the wooden banister beside me tightly as I hopped down the steps, jumping the last two steps at the last moment for a small rush of adrenaline.

Call me a rebel.

I grinned as my feet hit the hardwood floor, the small sensation rippling up my legs as I shook it off, walking towards the living room as I heard the hushed voices of my brothers. Elena thumped down onto the floor behind me, causing me to spin around and grin mischievously at her from over my shoulder.

I walked backwards into the living room, continuing to grin at Elena who stared at me with a raised eyebrow, slowing her pace to watch me.

I still grinned but let out a small yelp as I fell back against the small step that led up into the slightly higher floor of the living room.

I glared at it, frowning as I rubbed the back of my leg. "How long's that been there?"

Stefan stared over the back of the couch, sending me an amused smile. "Still tripping over that step?"

I glared at him. "What do you mean 'still'?"

His smile grew. "What do you think I mean?"

"I have no idea what you're insinuating."

"Since when do you use fancy words?"

"I can use fancy words."

"Tell me what it means."

"Why? Go get a dictionary if you're so interested."


"Pretty sure that's what Elena said when-"

"Can we not go there?" Her voice suddenly interrupted, sending me a disapproving glare.

"And you say I'm dirty minded. I wasn't insinuating anything like tha-"

"Again with the fancy word."

"Stop judging me!"

"Don't you two ever get tired of bickering?"

We all turned to face Damon who sat near the fire in an armchair, a small crystal glass in his hand containing an amber liquid.

"Don't you ever get tired of the same drink?" I shot back, raising an eyebrow up at him from my still fallen position as I leant back on my arms.

He grinned at me, bringing the glass to his lips. "Surprisingly not."

"Then you have your answer." I smirked.

"You're too much of a smartass." He bit, although I could hear the smirk on his face.

"Learnt from the very best."

"That you did." He said, raising the glass in a sort of salute.

I let out a small giggle, smiling at the family banter we all shared, my anger momentarily forgotten as I sat with my friends and family. There was a moment of silence as we all just comfortably, well sort of, in our positions.

I was just starting to get up, crouching forwards as Damon spoke up again. "So who was that upstairs?"

Startled by the blunt question, I fell back again, my eyes wide as my back connected with the wooden floorboards beneath me. I rubbed my sore spot, wincing slightly as the sting ignited.

"Well, there was Elena and me. Oh, and Mr. Cotton." I said, referring to my dark green blanket that I've had and loved since I was about 3 years old.

I almost fell back again at the hard stare that took over his eyes. "That's not what I'm talking about."

I frowned. "Then please do enlighten me." I couldn't help the nervous clenching of my stomach as I waited tensely for his response.

"I'm pretty sure I heard another voice..." Damon said, rubbing the rim of his glass thoughtfully as he continued staring at me with piercing blue eyes that matched my own.

"Then I'm sure you were imagining things." I shot back; maybe a little too quickly as I nervously stared back at him, ignoring the tense atmosphere that suddenly engulfed the four of us. I watched Elena stare at me for a moment before she simply nodded her head in understanding. I was thankful for that moment that she understood me as well as she did.

"I'm pretty sure we weren't." Stefan suddenly spoke. I snapped my gaze away from Damon's to Stefan's who stared down at me with an equally hard glare.

"What's with the hard stares?" I nervously choked out, my voice slightly shaking as I felt the nerves wrap around my entire being.

"Pretty sure it was a boy...wanna enlighten us?" Damon asked, an eyebrow arched at me. I stared hardly. No. I refused to let them get to me. I wasn't ready to tell them at the moment. I didn't really want to bury Liam before I got to know him, thank you very much.

"What are you trying to say about my voice?"

I felt my chest suddenly explode as the pressure was relieved and I let out a low chuckle, staring up gratefully at my best friend. I noticed the small grin at the corner of her lips as she stared 'angrily' at Damon.

I watched as Damon playfully rolled his eyes, mumbling something before knocking back the last of his drink, obviously annoyed that his plans to get information on the guy that they suspected I was seeing. I grinned at the thought.


Good luck.


Damn it, Liam :(

Anyway, new chapter!


do you ship Briam? Do you like Brook? Let me know :)


For the next chapter:

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- Badger :B

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