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-Chapter Five-

“What?” he snarled, his eyes darkening.

I chuckled and leant back into my chair, watching him continue to glare at me.

“You’re a-“

“Will you shut up?!”  he hissed quietly, quickly looking around to make sure no one had heard.

“NO, YOU’RE A WERE-“ i frowned, sitting up in my chair and starting to scream before he literally jumped over his chair and clamped a hand over my mouth.

“Shut. Your. Face.”

I frowned, not liking his hand on my mouth again. I kicked my leg out from under the desk, hitting his knee and causing him to stumble backwards, releasing my mouth.

“That’s actually physically impossible, idiot.”

“My name’s Tyler.” He growled.

“Yes, i know, idiot.” I said rolling my eyes as the teacher walked to the front of the class and asked for silence, making everyone shut up.

Even idiot.


“I WILL SET YOUR BEARD ON FIRE!” I shouted from across the pitch, my hands clenching slightly as i glared at Tyler who was on the other side of the field. He stopped and looked at me, a frown on his face.

“I don’t have a beard!”

“That’s what you think.”


“It’s imaginary!”

“So you’re going to burn something that doesn’t exist?”

“SHUT UP AND LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT!” I screamed, shooting him a glare just as Elena grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards the car park where Stefan was leaning against his car, oblivious to the fact that his little sister was shouting profundities across the school.

“Bloody idiot, i ought to whack him one, with a chair made of steel dipped in acid-“

“You two don’t like each other do you?” Elena asked, shooting me a smirk as we stopped in front of Stefan, a confused frown on his face as to what we were talking about.

I pulled the strap on my bag before turning my glare towards her again, my eyes narrowing.

“Nooo! What would ever give you that impression?” i asked sarcastically, pulling on the handle to the passenger seat, only to realise it was locked.

“Open the door!” i whined, leaning backwards on the door handle so that it was supporting my weight.

Elena smirked and grabbed the keys from Stefan clicking the unlock button. Suddenly the door flew open, causing me to scream.

“WHOA!”  I screamed, my arms flailing to the sides as i fell into Stefan’s chest, my eyes widening as he shoved me forwards, his hands on my shoulders, steadying me. I stood frozen on the spot, my eyes darting around the car park to see everyone looking at me with odd expressions.

“#Awkward.” I mumbled, climbing into the car and sinking into the car seat as Elena and Stefan climbed into the car, both of them laughing at me the entire trip home.


“You what?”

“I fell, okay? It’s not that big of a deal.” I mumbled, crossing my arms as Damon looked at me oddly.

“You fell?” he asked raising his eyebrow.

“YES! I fell! I fell on my arse, okay?” i snapped, shooting him a glare as Stefan let out a low chuckle from the fire place.

“Shut it, shrimpy.” I growled, pointing a finger in his direction. As you can probably tell i wasn’t in a good mood. That ‘Tyler’ dude had put me in an official bad mood for the rest of the day and the fact that Damon was now questioning me about how i fell wasn’t helping.

It’s not like i dropped a bomb and it exploded, taking half the planet with us.

“Shrimpy?” Stefan asked, stopping his laughter for a moment to look at me over his shoulder. The fire let out a low glow as it reflected on his porcelain-like skin. My eyes darted towards him, making eye contact for a moment.

“It was the best i had.” I shrugged, bringing up my legs to my chest and hugging them as my two brothers shared a glance.

“Oh quick notice.” I said, sticking my finger in the air to catch their attention after a moment of silence.

“What?” Damon asked hesitantly, looking at me suspiciously.

I smiled, sticking my tongue between my teeth in a mischievous  manner. “I’m not going to school tomorrow.”

“Like hell you’re not.” Stefan chipped in, giving me an annoyed look.

“Do you really want a repeat of what happened this morning?” i asked.

“No one wants that.” Damon commented, bringing his fist up to his mouth as he watched for Stefan’s response.

“Brook, you’re going.” He said with finality.

“Like hell i am!” i shouted, frowning. I noticed the annoyed look appear on his face as he realised i had just twisted his words against him.

“Brooklyn Salvatore-“

“Don’t you Brooklyn Salvatore me!” i said, throwing my arms in the air. “Or i’ll Stefan Salvatore you!”

“God, this is worse than this morning.” Damon said, running a hand over his face as he leant against the wall in recognition.

“It wasn’t that bad.” Stefan reasoned. I let out a snort of laughter making both my brothers give me odd looks.

“You didn’t have to deal with Tyler.” I argued. I noticed Stefan hesitate slightly. He didn’t know exactly what had gone on because Elena couldn’t tell him what happened without laughing and i just couldn’t be bothered to relay the entire story again, so Stefan was left in the dark along with Damon.

“What’s the little shit done?” Damon piped in, his eyebrows forming together as he turned to look at me, the fist still near his mouth.

“He’s just so...ANNOYING!” i said, throwing my arms in the air as i stood up and headed towards the doorway where Elena was having a good giggle at our ‘family meeting’.

“Quick notice.” Stefan sarcastically called after me. I stopped to glare at him over my shoulder before resuming my walk towards my room. I just wanted to chill now.

Damon gave Stefan a sneaky look, a grin on his face as he obviously knew what Stefan was about to say. A similar grin spread across Stefan’s face.

“You’re going to school tomorrow.” He laughed as i flipped him the bird and stomped up the steps, dreading the thought of hell-school tomorrow.

Authors Note-

I just want to say a massive thank you to the support i have gotten for this story! I'm glad you guys like it! Vote, comment, fan, it helps a ton!

Again thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed!:)

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