twenty four

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-Chapter Twenty Four-

"They know about Liam?" Elena gasped, turning her head momentarily away from the bacon she was frying to gape at me with wide eyes.

I pulled my lips into a smirk, nodding my head as I swung my legs against the counter that I was currently sat upon. 

"Do they know about..." She gave me a small look out of the corner of her eye.

I scrunched my nose. "Hell no."

"When are you going to tell them?"

"When they are seconds away from death or stuck on an island far far far away and can't rip him to shreds."

I grinned as she let out a loud laugh, scooping up the pieces of bacon and serving them onto two white porclein plates. 

I'd come over to Elena's as soon as I woke up, wanting to inform her of the interrogation my brothers' had given me the night before. And now here I sat, ontop of her kitchen counter as she made breakfast for her and Jeremy.

"Are you sure you don't want any?" She asked, looking at me over her shoulder as she placed the plates full of food on the small table. 

I hopped off the counter, my hands releasing their grip of the stone as I landed on the floor. Shaking my head, I answered, "Nah, I'm good."

She shrugged as she sat down in front of her plate. "Suit yourself."

I chuckled slightly, my eyes finding their way to the doorway as someone came jogging down the stairs.

"I smell food."

I leant against the counter behind me, crossing my arms as Jeremy came jogging down into the kitchen, his eyes wide as he caught sight of the plate of food that Elena had made for him.

I didn't say anything as his eyes suddenly snapped to me, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks as he obviously didn't realise I was here. I smiled cheesily at him.

"Oh, hey Brook." 

"Yo, Jer-Bear."

His smile dropped as he gave me a dead-pan expression. "I thought we'd gone over this."

"That doesn't mean I agreed to it." I grinned cheekily at him as he simply rolled his eyes and sat down, picking up his fork to start eating.

"What's he talking about?" Elena whispered to me as I sat at the head of the table, placing my chin in my cupped hand.

I let out an evil-type laugh and looked over at Jeremy. "Jeremy hates my nickname."

"It's not even a nickname. It's a condescending title."

Both Elena and I's eyebrows shot up at his words. "Since when did you become Mr. Walking Vocabulary?" 

"Since I started paying attention to my school work." He gave me a 'duh' expression, causing me to become even more confused as I brought up my lip in a confused expression.

"And when in the hell did you ever pay attention in school?"

"I could ask you the same thing." 


"His grades have actually gotten a lot better." Elena commented as she finished off the last of her egg.

"Are you sure he's not just writing the answers on his arm?" I snickered as Elena went up to the sink with her plate, shooting me a look over her shoulder as she turned on the tap.

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