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-Chapter Nine-

I stared hatefully up at the old building as Stefan pulled up into the car park. I kept my eyes narrowed and was trying my best to make it explode.

Come on you damn stupid building, EXPLODE ALREADY!

I groaned in annoyance as it continued to stand tall and allowed the various teens to walk in and out like every other day. Mumbling under my breath about how i shouldn’t have to come here after I’d already been educated, i pulled on the door handle and climbed out, slamming the door behind me.

“Stupid, bloody thing, why couldn’t you just explode and ahhegqjqre.” I mumbled, pulling my backpack over my shoulders and slowly slumping after Stefan and into the hell hole.

I wasn’t in the bests of moods today and no, i have no valid reason for it. I’m a teenager, well, a couple of centuries old teenager but a teenager nonetheless. Anyway, teenagers just have bad days and today was one of mine.

I crossed my arms across my chest as i slowly walked up the steps, losing interest in following Stefan as he disappeared into the school to obviously find Elena.

That boys a little love sick puppy i swear.

I looked to my right as i slowed down even further and watched some of the teenagers mill around on the grass, some chatting, some throwing balls.

“Oh look who it is!”

I frowned and snapped my head to the right, a scowl appearing on my face as i saw Tyler standing there, about 3 boys standing behind him, all of them giving me malicious and suspicious looks.

“What do you want now?” i snapped, feeling my bad mood start to take a hold of my tongue as i glared at him.

His eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered across his face as he took in my mood, sensing i would be touchy to anything he would say.

“Aw, is it your time of the month?” he cooed, snickering as he looked back at his group of friends who were snickering a long with him.

I clenched my jaw in irritation, what he said didn’t bother me. It was kinda hilarious that he thought those type of jokes irritated me, no what annoyed me was the fact that he knew i wasn’t in a good mood and was taking advantage of that.

Now right here, i have two choices;

-Retaliate and say something just as rude back


-Take the high road and say nothing and shove past him.

Who the hell are we kidding of course i’m going to retaliate, this guys a douche bag.

“Don’t you have some balls to go and play with?”

I froze after saying that, snorting as i realised what that also implied. Before i knew it i had let a loud giggle escape my mouth as my body shook with silent laughter.

As i stood there, covering my mouth with my hand, giggling like an idiot, Tyler’s friends had begun staring wide-eyed at each other, biting their lips as they tried to decide between laughing or not.

But Tyler just stood there, a scowl crossing over his face as he understood what i had just said.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he seethed through clenched teeth as i tried to compose myself.

Oh, how i crack myself up.

I opened my mouth to retort but paused and frowned as a familiar voice spoke behind me.

“Think really hard about it.”

I spun around and froze. My eyes grew wide as my muscles tensed as i watched him walk up the steps, stopping next to me with a cocky smirk on his face.

I tried not to look too shocked, but failed miserably as my eyes remained wide and my mouth dropped when he just continued smirking at an angry Tyler.

“And who the hell are YOU?”  He seethed his fist clenching slightly as he got more and more frustrated with the situation.

“Me? I’m Liam, nice to meet you.”

I watched Liam carefully as he reached over and stuck his hand out for Tyler to shake, only raising his eyebrows as Tyler glared hatefully at him, annoyed he had interrupted our little argument. I almost smiled as Liam stood closer to me, feeling my bad mood start to drift away.

“Bit rude.” He mumbled as he stuck his hand in his pocket, referring to Tyler not shaking his hand.

“I’ve never seen you before.” Tyler observed, narrowing his eyes as his friends watched Liam and I closely. I glared at all of them, not letting them know i was intimidated.

I wasn’t scared, i just felt intimidated in the presence of four teenage boys who apparently hated me.

“That’s probably because you haven’t been looking.” He replied quickly and smoothly, his arm casually slinging over my shoulder as he took in Tyler’s agitated state. “Oh sorry, did i interrupt something?”


“Shame. Anyway haven’t you got somewhere to be?” Liam replied, raising his eyebrows as a cheeky smile tugged its way onto his lips, his arm tightening subtly on my shoulder.

I smiled to myself. Cocky bastard.

“Whatever.” Tyler growled, throwing me an annoyed look that told me this wasn’t over as he stormed away, stomping his feet for emphasis as his friends trailed behind, shooting Liam and I glances over our shoulders.

Liam waited for them to disappear from view before slowly taking his arm away from my shoulder and smiling warmly at me.

“Well i think that went well.” He smiled, pulling at the strap of his backpack.

I let out a small laugh and cocked my head to the side.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

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