forty two

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waddup lads i'm back

bet you thought i was dead buT HA I'M ALIVE WOOPS. anyway all my exams are over so i am a free woman and somEONE FXCKING STOLE MY IPOD IM SO MAD LOL AND MY PROM WAS LAST WEEK I FEEL OLD 

anyway, here's chapter forty two aND I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY IN THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END WOO + apologies if the chapter sucks i'm trying to get back into the groove of things (but i made it extra long bc i'm v v sorry and forgive any mistakes i wanted to get it out as soon as possible)

// forty two //

"Liam?!" I gaped at him, my eyes wide and my jaw slack as he stood in front of me. In the darkness of the night, his face was pale and his posture rigid. His eyes seemed a lot darker than usual; almost a navy blue as he tightly gripped the edges of the phone booth; he looked like he hadn't slept in days. What the hell was he doing here? I don't hear hide nor hair from him for weeks and then he suddenly pops up out of nowhere to help me.

Bloody Originals.

He didn't reply and simply reached towards me, his hand snaking around my waist and manoeuvring me quickly so that I stood behind him, his eyes trained on the red-eyed figure across the road. I let out a small shriek of surprise, my hand gripping onto his arm tightly in order to steady myself. I still found myself surprised at how quickly he was able to take control. Not that I was complaining.

In all honesty: it was kind of hot.

The figure appeared angry, his shoulders now moving up and down rapidly as his crimson stare narrowed at the interference. From the distance I stood out, the details were slightly mushed but I was able to see small fragments of the once whole phone slowly fall to the ground as he squeezed it tightly in his hands.


My hands knotted themselves in the denim fabric of Liam's jacket, my jaw clenching at the familiar voice that echoed around us. Despite my best efforts, a shiver ran down my spine. But this time I knew it wasn't because of the cool breeze that whipped around us. I could feel my eyes widen in surprise when Liam replied with a deadly hiss, his arm tightening around my waist from behind. What's happening?  One moment I was scared out of my wits in the confinements of the phone booth and now it appeared that Liam was having a death-stare match with the mysterious figure across the street.

"Liam, when are you going to tell me what the hell's going on?"

"Not now, Brook." He snapped back, slowly dragging me out of the booth before slamming the door shut behind me. I scowled at the back of his head, slightly irritated that he was still keeping me in the dark after all of this. But right now, with the cold air and terror that I felt, I was willing to let it slide for the moment. 

Liam began to move me towards the curb, his eyes not once moving from the man that remained still on the opposite path, when I suddenly noticed his car messily parked on the side of the street. How did I not hear him pull up? I frowned and snuck a quick glance at Liam.

You're losing your touch, old girl.

"Stay away from her." Liam hissed, quickly opening the passenger door before glancing down at me for a brief second. "Put your seatbelt on."

 Raising my eyebrows I huffed but obliged. "Yes, Boss."

Safety first, I guess.

From my seat I was able to see his lips quirk in amusement before the stony stare was back. "If I so much as see you anyway near her again...I won't hesitate to rip your damn throat out with my own teeth. Understand?" Even I was able to detect the Original authority within his threat. Despite being the youngest of the Mikaelson siblings, Liam definitely had the potential to be the most lethal of them all. He could be deadly when he wanted to be and hell if I didn't get a chill when he was. My eyebrows shot up in surprise, my mouth parting as I watched him slam my door shut.

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