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Hey guys, I'm so sorry this isn't an update and that I haven't updated in literally years.

The reason for the radio silence is tbh a load of shit has recently happened and it's really hitting me hard right now.

An adult in my cadet company recently died. No one was expecting it and to be honest she was like a second mum to me so it really hit home and I haven't really been able to focus on anything for more than five minutes.

So, I'm not just procrastinating with updates I just don't really have the heart to do it. And I have loads of coursework due in like 3 days that I haven't even started and last week I was down at Blanford doing a radio signals course (WHICH I PASSED!!) and there was no signal (ironic omg) let alone wifi.

I just thought you guys deserved to know why I haven't been active or anything so yeah, I'll try and write when I can, alright?

Thank you guys for supporting this story, it would be nowhere without you guys so thank you ily all

- Emma x

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