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omg i have no idea how to start this but here we go

i know a lot of you are probably going to come at me with pitchforks and knives but basically;

i'm discontinuing this book.

a lot of you have commented that the storyline doesn't make sense and lmao i agree 100% because i'm going to be honest when i say i had no storyline when i first started this book about 4 years ago?? jeez that makes me feel old but i honestly made it on a whim when i first discovered i loved writing and wattpad was this massive new platform but now i've moved onto different fandoms and different styles of writing and i just can't see this story ever being finished 

like i can't even write in first person anymore i just literally can't 

but i just don't have any idea of where this story is going to go; who knows maybe i'll rewrite it idk, but i'm not going to delete it or anything but there won't be any new chapters from now on (PLS DON'T HURT ME I BRUISE EASILY)

i just wanted to thank you all so much for the amazing support that you have shown me throughout the years, you guys have helped me evolve into the writer that i am today and for that i am so so grateful !!

i know i'm a shitty person for not updating frequently (or ever but i'm a piece of shit i'm sorry) but i didn't want to upload a chapter where it was half done and not my best just for the sake of updating ?? i hope that makes sense ??

tbh i'm not really on wattpad anymore, i'm more on and tumblr and i think that's also one of the reasons i haven't been updating along with the stress of A levels and stuff 

but i love you all and i'm really sorry for dragging all of this out and everything but i've decided that it's for the best that i just don't continue with the story

i will say one thing tho; liam and brook live happily ever after and they will always be dear to my heart (i actually think that brook was my first ever OC omg my sweet summer child)


once again, thank you all so much, when i started this i never expected it to get this far honestly and you all have been absolutely amazing


- emma

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