thirty nine

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I'M BACK BRUVS; how are you all? sorry for being MIA but i'm guessing you all know the reason why and that I wasn't just being a douche and not updating lol

aLsO jUsT wanted to say thank you all so so much for staying with this story. I know it's messy and not exactly the best but your continuous support is what has kept it going. So thank you. 

there's a picture to the side of what I imagine Brook to fiNALLY look like-ish but i'm not 100000% sure who it is bc one site said Madison Morgan and the other was like Hilary Duff so I'm just like ????

Also I have a question at the end, so pREPARE YOURSELVES. HERE WE GO:

// chapter thirty nine //

"Oh my God."

I smirked down at my hands, watching in fascination as I manipulated the water around Elena's arm. She hadn't stopped pestering me about what the Mikaelson's had actually wanted me for so I thougth what better way to tell her than to show her. Her eyes were wide in awed surprise, her jaw slacked open as her eyes followed the trail of water flowing across her arm.

"This is amazing." She looked away from her arm momentarily to give me an impressed look. I looked up briefly, my smirk developing into a wide smile at her enthusiasm towards it all.

"Like it?" I chuckled, clenching my hand into a fist suddenly. Once all my fingers had curled into my palm, the water froze in it's movement, slacking into a puddle on Elena's lap. She screwed up her face in mild disgust before brushing the droplets off, glancing up at me.

"Like it? It's friggin' awesome. Talk about a new party trick."

I let out a snort of disbelief. Of course she'd suggest that. Imagine the looks on peoples' faces if I pulled that one off. "Yeah, don't think I'll be pulling that off anytime soon."

She simply chuckled, leaning back on my bed until she leant against the headboard. A brief silence engulfed us and I found myself feeling relaxed, my muscles weren't tense and I didn't have that constant knot of apprehension in my stomach. It was nice. I was just rolling onto my stomach when Elena playfully hit my foot, raising an eyebrow.

"'d they take it?"

Immediately knowing what she was referring to, I stared at her over my shoulder. "How'd you think?"

She struggled to keep the grin off her face. "Well from the shouting...I'm going to guess not too well."

"Gold star for you, Gilbert. We'll make a detective out of you yet." I teased, letting out a yelp of surprise as she grabbed one of my pillows, thumping it against my back forcefully. "Okay, geez, chill!"

"Sarcasm not appreciated." She chastised, shooting me one last glare before dropping the pillow in her hand and resting back against my headboard. "But you do realise they're just doing it to look out for you? They're under a lot of stress lately."

I didn't reply for a moment and absent-mindedly fiddled with a loose thread on my duvet cover, chewing on my lip. I did get that, I honestly did. But whenever Damon came back with a random girl from the bar, why didn't Stefan get on his case? Or when Stefan and Elena would disappear for a while doing I don't even want to know what, why wasn't Damon getting all antsy and worried then? I understand I'm the youngest and their only sister but I still didn't get it. They knew I wasn't defenceless, I was actually the complete opposite. And it just bothered me that they didn't seem to trust me. Ever since moving back they've been completely bubble-wrapping me, barely letting me out of their sights. Sometimes it was just a bit much. Like this whole experience with Liam, it's all new to me and I wanted to really feel the experience, experiment with it because God knows I haven't ever felt like this before. I want to embrace everything that he made me feel.

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